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189 kr
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155 kr
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Den opprinnelige AC10 ble lagd i en kort periode på 60-tallet. Nå kommer VOX AC10C1 rørforsterker. Mer portabel enn AC15 og mer kraftfull enn AC4. Med reverb og mastervolum. Nå kan du ta med den legendariske VOX top-boost-lyden hvor du enn spiller. Spesifikasjoner: • 10W RMS (16O) • Kontroller: Gain, Bass, Treble, Reverb og volum • Rørbestykning: 2 × 12AX7, 2 × EL84 • 1 stk 10” Celestion VX10 høyttaler (16O) • Utgang for ekstern høyttaler 16 ohm • Mål og vekt: 520 x 210 x 410 mm, 12.3 kg
7 460 kr
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545 kr
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amPlug3, den siste generasjonen av de verdensomspennende bestselgende amPlug-hodetelefonforsterkerne, er en sømløs måte for enhver bassist å levere seriøs lyd til hodetelefonene sine. Øv hvor som helst, når som helst amPlug3 er tredje generasjon av amPlug-serien med praktiske plug-and-play-hodetelefonforsterkere for gitarister og bassister. Med et bredt utvalg av forsterker-lyder, leverer hver modell ikoniske og umiddelbart gjenkjennelige forsterkertoner. amPlug3 gir musikere det ideelle øvingsverktøyet, som kombinerer enkelhet med utrolig rik lydkvalitet. Forbedre øvingsøktene dine med autentiske lyder og nyttige, musikalske funksjoner. Utover eksepsjonelle forsterkertoner tilbyr amPlug3-serien kraftige innebygde stereoeffekter og rytmer, som gir allsidig redigering og en omfattende sonisk opplevelse under øving og spill. Bass-modell Gir en klassisk bassforsterkertone med et bredt lydområde på CH1. CH2 produserer en fet, punchy overdrive-lyd, ideell for en rekke sjangre. Effekter: Compressor Chorus Delay Reverb Det er kontroller for å justere modulasjonsparametere, inkludert dybde, hastighet, forsinkelse, etterklangsdybde, tid og kompresjon. Rytmer: Rock1 Jazz Pop1 Pop2 Blues Funk1 Funk2 Metal1 Metronome Det er en egen volumkontroll, og tempoet kan justeres fra 40 til 240 BPM. De analoge kretsene er betydelig forbedret for å trofast gjenskape kompresjonen og overtonene som er karakteristiske for et bredt spekter av rørforsterkere En sterkt utvidet effektseksjon inkluderer stereoeffekter, noe som gir en mer ekspansiv lydopplevelse både gjennom hodetelefoner og ved opptak Rytmer er nå tilgjengelige, med ni essensielle mønstre inkludert på hver amPlug3 Spill sammen med favorittlåtene dine ved å koble smarttelefonen eller annen ekstern lydenhet til AUX-kontakten Ta opp direkte på en smarttelefon eller bærbar PC via AUX-kontakten med en valgfri TRRS-kabel Det elegante, forsterkerlignende utseendet til amPlug3 bidrar til en helhetlig forbedret opplevelse Hovedspesifikasjoner Jack-kontakt (3,5 mm) AUX-kontakt (CTIA-kompatibel 3,5 mm TRRS minijack-kontakt) Strømforsyning: AAA-batterier x 2 (ikke inkludert) Batterilevetid: 10 timer (alkalisk, FX eller RHYTHM på) / 16 timer (alkalisk, FX og RHYTHM av) / 3 timer (manganbatteri, FX eller RHYTHM på) / 5 timer (manganbatteri, FX og RHYTHM av) Dimensjoner (B x D x H): 87 x 33 x 39 mm (plugg) / 87 x 33 x 39 mm (plugg tilbaketrukket) Vekt: 40 g (uten batterier)
650 kr
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amPlug3, den siste generasjonen av de verdensomspennende bestselgende amPlug-hodetelefonforsterkerne, er en sømløs måte for enhver gitarist å levere seriøs lyd til hodetelefonene sine. Øv hvor som helst, når som helst amPlug3 er tredje generasjon av amPlug-serien med praktiske plug-and-play-hodetelefonforsterkere for gitarister og bassister. Med et bredt utvalg av forsterker-lyder, leverer hver modell ikoniske og umiddelbart gjenkjennelige forsterkertoner. amPlug3 gir musikere det ideelle øvingsverktøyet, som kombinerer enkelhet med utrolig rik lydkvalitet. Forbedre øvingsøktene dine med autentiske lyder og nyttige, musikalske funksjoner. Utover eksepsjonelle forsterkertoner tilbyr amPlug3-serien kraftige innebygde stereoeffekter og rytmer, som gir allsidig redigering og en omfattende sonisk opplevelse under øving og spill. UK Drive-modell Emulerer UK 100W stack-lyden. CH1 leverer en full vintage-tone, og CH2 produserer en edgy distortion-tone. Effekter: Chorus Delay Reverb Det er kontroller for å justere modulasjonsparametere, inkludert dybde, hastighet, forsinkelse, etterklangsdybde, tid. Rytmer: Rock1 Rock2 Blues Pop1 Pop2 Funk1 Metal1 Jazz Metronome Det er en egen volumkontroll, og tempoet kan justeres fra 40 til 240 BPM. De analoge kretsene er betydelig forbedret for å trofast gjenskape kompresjonen og overtonene som er karakteristiske for et bredt spekter av rørforsterkere En sterkt utvidet effektseksjon inkluderer stereoeffekter, noe som gir en mer ekspansiv lydopplevelse både gjennom hodetelefoner og ved opptak Rytmer er nå tilgjengelige, med ni essensielle mønstre inkludert på hver amPlug3 Spill sammen med favorittlåtene dine ved å koble smarttelefonen eller annen ekstern lydenhet til AUX-kontakten Ta opp direkte på en smarttelefon eller bærbar PC via AUX-kontakten med en valgfri TRRS-kabel Det elegante, forsterkerlignende utseendet til amPlug3 bidrar til en helhetlig forbedret opplevelse Hovedspesifikasjoner Jack-kontakt (3,5 mm) AUX-kontakt (CTIA-kompatibel 3,5 mm TRRS minijack-kontakt) Strømforsyning: AAA-batterier x 2 (ikke inkludert) Batterilevetid: 10 timer (alkalisk, FX eller RHYTHM på) / 16 timer (alkalisk, FX og RHYTHM av) / 3 timer (manganbatteri, FX eller RHYTHM på) / 5 timer (manganbatteri, FX og RHYTHM av) Dimensjoner (B x D x H): 87 x 33 x 39 mm (plugg) / 87 x 33 x 39 mm (plugg tilbaketrukket) Vekt: 40 g (uten batterier)
650 kr
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Designet for gitaristen som er på farten. VOX MINI har en mengde funksjoner i en kompakt og bærbar pakke. Med ikonisk utseende av klassiske VOX-forsterkere, VOX MINI er løsningen når du er på veien og vil ha tilgang til bra gitarsound. Fins i både 3W og 5W varianter. - - Forsterkertyper: 11 stk - Effekter: 8 typer, Delay/Reverb: 4 typer - Audio In: INPUT x 1, MIC IN x 1, AUX IN x 1 - Audio ut: Hodetelefoner x 1 - Maks uteffekt: 3W RMS @4O - Høyttalere: 5"; 4O - Innebygd stemmeapparat - Drift: AC adapter (følger med); 6 x AA batterier - Batteritid: Maks 12 timer (med alkaliske batterier) - Dimensjoner: (B x D x H): 262 x 174 x 223mm - Vekt: 3.0 Kg (uten batterier)
1 275 kr
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Pathfinder 10 fra VOX har alt du elsker ved klassiske VOX-forsterkere i et kompakt 10w format. Det distinkte diamant-frontstoffet, lær-look og chicken-head knotter. Små men viktige detaljer som den hvite kantlisten er også på plass for det fullendte VOX-utseendet. De helt analoge kretsene gir en responsiv og dynamisk lyd med et livlig overtoneregister, akkurat som en VOX-forsterker skal være. -- - Clean og Overdrive-mode - 2-bånds EQ - 1 x 6.5” VOX Bulldog høyttaler - Hodetelefon- og linjeutgang med høyttalersimulator
1 375 kr
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- 20W combo VET (Virtual Elements Technology) ny modelingteknikk med uovertruffen realisme - Rørbestykket Valvetronix-preamp med multi-trinns forsterkerkrets - Kraftfull DSP med eksepsjonell lydkvalitet - Hybridsluttrinn (digital/analog) - Unikt chassis-design med presis bassrespons og forsterkerresonanse - USB-tilkobling (type B) - VOX Toneroom Editor/Librarian programvare for PC/Mac, Android og iOS - 11 realistiske forsterkermodeller (20 når Tone Room editor/librarian brukes) - 13 innebygde effekter - 33 preset program (60 inklusiv artist program når Tone Room editor/librarian brukes) - VFS5 fotbryter for programbytte, effekt på/av og Tap-Tempo (selges separat) - Dimensjoner: B:41cm x D:22,5cm x H:34,7cm Vekt: 7,3 kg
3 225 kr
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Brad Paisley är ett riktigt tungviktarnamn i modern Country musik. Brad och Brian Wampler har genom åren haft en hel del sammarbeten som bland annat resulterat i en overdrivepedal som Brad tycker låter väldigt lik hans Trainwreck förstärkare It's true, at a gig Brian once threw a modified pedal at the feet of Brad Paisley in the hope that he would pick it up and try it. Fortunately for us, and you, Brad’s tech picked it up, played it - digged it and gave it to Brad who took it away and LOVED it. From that point on, he has used and loved Wampler Pedals. After a few years of using our pedals (Ego, Underdog and Faux AnalogEcho) Brad’s tech at the time, Chad, mentioned to Brian that Brad wasn’t 100% content with his tone and maybe we should all work together to make the perfect overdrive for Brad to record and tour with. His requirements were quite "simple"… it needs to be clean but get crunchy with some "beef" to it. It needs to have a fluid tone when soloing. It needs to add a little hair to the tone but then but then has to be able to give flat out ball busting gain, oh… but please do not wreck the tonality. It needs to have everything, in a pedal format, but do not make it sound like a pedal! Over a period of months, Brian made some circuits and sent them off, there were a couple of "tweaks" here and there to be made and then finally, when official "prototype v2.0" landed, it went straight into the live rack and out on the 2010 "Brad Paisley: H20" world tour. Brad Paisley: "…we actually recorded this (pedal) in the studio, you know, trying it out. I turned up a Trainwreck Amp that I’ve got and compared the sound of the distortion and it was very, very similar. And that’s a very good test because any time a pedal can mimic a great overdriven amp then you’re on to something…" Information Effekt-typ Overdrive Analog/Digital Analog Mono/Stereo Mono True Bypass Ja Minnesplatser Nej Chassi Alumonoim Strömförs. 9-18v
2 995 kr
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En fantastisk overdrivepedal som också används flitigt av folk som behöver en bra treble-boost. Detta är en klon på en av de mest mytomspunna overdrivepedalen på marknaden. There is one overdrive circuit to this day has been the most talked about, the most sought after, and the most mythical of them all. It’s big, it’s expensive, and it has certainly earned its place at the table. Wampler has painstakingly and faithfully reproduced that magical tone in all its glory in an unbelievably small package, and its name is Tumnus. Tumnus is a versatile addition to any setup, any style. Stack it with another pedal to help push or shape the total amount of gain, use it as a stand alone overdrive, or use it as a slightly dirty boost to push the front end of your amp over the edge. You can even use it as a buffer, because just like the original this pedal is not true bypass. Instead, faithful to the original, this pedal contains a buffered bypass tone legendary in its own right. The Tumnus’ streamlined 3 control knobs (Volume, Gain, and Treble) allow you to quickly dial in your tones no matter what the gig calls for. We aren’t going to sit here and claim it has magical parts, or we sourced out 60 year old diodes that make it perfect, but we are going to say that during our research we looked at everything available and then only used the parts that Brian chose to replicate that amazing tone. Let’s face it, not everyone has room for a four-legged beast on their board. This smaller version slips in and out of a myriad of tight situations. Now you can have the tone. Now you can have history. Now you can have it all without having to sell your prized gear possessions. The Wampler Tumnus, standing up for that amazing tone, but without the outrageous claims often associated with it. Information Effekt-typ Overdrive Analog/Digital Analog Mono/Stereo Mono True Bypass Ja Chassi Aluminium Strömförs. 9-18v
1 995 kr
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260 kr
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98 kr
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60 kr
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The PX-Solar Deluxe Series is the signature line of swedish guitarist and producer Ola Englund (The Haunted, Feared, former Six Feet Under...). PX-Solar Deluxe guitars feature an EverTune® bridge, which keeps the guitars in tune under any condition or abuse, full access neck joints, alder bodies and ebony fingerboards. Coupled with their stealth looks and distinctive binding, the PX-Solar Deluxe guitars are very solid, precise and professional instruments that will satisfy any metal player. "The Solar line of guitars have everything I want out of a guitar, the tone, the feel, the looks. Everything just falls into place when I have one in my lap. Washburn gave me free hands to design whatever I wanted, no questions asked, and the outcome is a dream come true." - Ola Englund GENERAL MODEL: PX-SOLAR170C SERIES: Parallaxe BODY SHAPE: Solar Double Cutaway BODY: Alder NECK MATERIAL: Maple FRETBOARD: Ebony with 24 Frets NUMBER OF FRETS: 24 frets INLAYS: Ola Englund inlay at 12th NUT: Graphite NUT WIDTH: 43 mm SCALE: 25.5 ELECTRONICS PICKUPS: Duncan Designed Humbuckers PICKUP CONFIGURATION: H / H CONTROLS: 1 Volume/1 Tone PICKUP SELECTOR: 5 way blade HARDWARE HARDWARE: Black Hardware BRIDGE: Fixed Bridge TUNERS: Black Grover Exclusive 18:1 OTHER COLOR: Carbon Black FINISH: Matte finish STRINGS: D'addario EXL 120 light gauge
8 495 kr
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Waves From A Fantasy for piano solo er oppfølgeren til det populære heftet "Awakening", og viderefører de samme melodiøse linjer, sjelfulle klangfarger og harmoniske overraskelser, men på et mer avansert nivå. Heftet passer for mellomnivå/viderekommen. Innhold: Tantra, Once And Now, Song Of The Forest og Waves From A Fantasy. Av Kristine Bratlie.
132 kr
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Metal pin Ø 10 mm Synthetic barrel
695 kr
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Metal pin Ø 10 mm 35 cm length Synthetic barrel
850 kr
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Metal pin Ø 8 mm 52 cm long Ebony cone Chrome plated metal parts
850 kr
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bridge-tailpiece Teaser, pitch 10,8mm, staggered brass saddles, nickel Dimensions: - Bridge plate: 86mm (l) x 77mm (w) - Distance outer body mounting screws (heart to heart): 65mm - String spacing: 54mm
575 kr
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machine heads for guitar, open geared, 3x left+3x right, chrome, ratio 1:19 These Wilkinson machine heads are designed for solid headstocks. With the gear ratio of 1:19, finetuning has become very easy. These machine heads are also available for slotted headstocks: WJ-28N-CRS specifications butterbean keys baseplate length: 34mm baseplate width: 16,5mm shaft to string hole: 22mm shaft thickness: 6mm bushing width: 9mm (8 mm hole required) bushing length: 9,6mm bushing overhang headstock: 11mm finish: chrome
595 kr
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395 kr
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378 kr
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Synthetic casing Without bell With plexiglass lid
945 kr
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1 095 kr
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1 095 kr
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310 kr
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310 kr
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450 kr
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Hi-Tec composite material Very easy, fast and precise tuning Transmission ratio of 8,5:1 compared to an ordinary peg Peg made of High-Tech composite material and light alloy The tapered peg is put in place without glue by simply pressing it into the peg box just like any ordinary peg Self-inhibiting transmission inside the peg, the string can not lose tension No wear on peg and peg hole since shaft does not spin; hence no friction No influence of climate and humidity Design, measurement, colour and quality constant Packing unit 4 pcs
1 625 kr
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Hi-Tec composite material Very easy, fast and precise tuning Transmission ratio of 8.5:1 compared to an ordinary peg Peg made of High-Tech composite material and light alloy The tapered peg is put in place without glue by simply pressing it into the peg box just like any ordinary peg Self-inhibiting transmission inside the peg, the string can not lose tension No wear on peg and peg hole since shaft does not spin, hence no friction Not influenced by climate or humidity Design, measurement, colour and quality constant Packing unit 4 pcs
1 625 kr
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ULTRA strong, ULTRA light. Strings ends are protected by rounded contact surface design. Ball end is held securely, preventing any slipping. All WITTNER fine tuners fit perfectly. Made in Germany of "Space Age" composite material.
315 kr
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- Patented foot - Fits Violins 4/4 - 1/4 size and Viola - Plate made of black, skin friendly royal nappa - Adjustable height
540 kr
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475 kr
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805 kr
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25 kr
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25 kr
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229 kr
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189 kr
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35 kr
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50 kr
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45 kr
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45 kr
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60 kr
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79 kr
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10 162 kr
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300 series standard flutes, Ring keys, Offset G, Drawn & curled
19 475 kr
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3 685 kr
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Smidig stikkebag av topp kvalitet. Her har du plass til trommestikker, visper, rods & litt småtilbehør du kanskje må ha med deg på spillejobben, til øvingslokalet eller skolen. Du bærer vesken i de komfortable håndtakene & når du spiller kan du bruke de justerbare stroppene til å henge den på f.eks. gulvtammen for å holde trommestikkene for hånden hvis du trenger å bytte eller få tak i en raskt under en sang. Smart kvalitet, smidig og enkel i slitesterkt materiale og med stilig, brodert Zildjian-logo i gullfinish. Spesifikasjoner ZSB: Farge: Sort Materiale: Polyester Høyde: 45,7 cm Bredde: 20,3 cm Tykkelse: 0,5 cm 1 ytre rom Håndtak Remmer for oppheng
350 kr
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Solid cymbalveske i lekkert design. ZXCB00120 passer for 8 cymbaler opp til 20" og hi-hat. Denne cymbalvesken har solide, justerbare og komfortable ryggsekkstropper som kan tas av i bunnen for å gjemmes i en spesiell lomme hvis du foretrekker å bruke den medfølgende skulderremmen. Du kan også bære den i det polstrede håndtaket. På fronten er det en lomme som passer til hi-hats opp til 15" med et rom for en øvingsplate og en lomme for hi-hat-clutchen. Laget av slitesterkt og vannavstøtende nylonstoff med gummibunn for å hindre at den trekker til seg fukt om du legger den ned på et vått underlag. Spesifikasjoner ZXCB00120: Finish: Black Rain Cloud Passer cymbaler opp til 20" 15" Hi-hat-lomme Kapasitet: ca 8 cymbaler, maks 45kg Rom for hi-hat clutch Rom for øvingsplate Avtakbar skulderstropp Justerbare ryggsekkstropper Vannavvisende nylonstoff Solide glidelåser Gummibelagt underside
765 kr
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Epiphone presents the Les Paul SL™, the most affordable 2-pickup Les Paul ever made with a slim lightweight Poplar body with powerful Epiphone Ceramic pickups. Available in six exclusive colors—Ebony, Heritage Cherry Sunburst, Pacific Blue, Sunset Yellow, Turquoise, and Vintage Sunburst. Body and Soul: Since the beginning of rock ‘n’ roll, the Les Paul has been considered the ultimate electric guitar and Epiphone’s new Les Paul SL™ continues that long tradition of innovation with a lightweight Poplar body that’s slimmer than a vintage Les Paul making it easy to hold for new players. The bolt-on Mahogany neck has a traditional 24.75” scale with an easy-to-play SlimTaper-D profile. Even the headstock of the Les Paul SL™ has the look of a classic Les Paul with Epiphone’s trademark “Clipped Ear” design, the same “Bell-Shaped” truss rod cover seen vintage models, and 60s era Epiphone logo and a "2017" Edition logo on the back of the headstock. Epiphone Ceramic Pickups: The Les Paul SL™ is powered by Epiphone single coil Ceramic pickups with a 650SCR™ in the neck position and a slightly overwound 700SCT™ in the bridge position for solos. Mr. Les Paul, the inspiration for the Les Paul guitar, was especially fond of single coil pickups for their tonal versatility when playing rhythm and solos. Ceramic pickups are designed to provide a tight low-end response with both a smooth mid-range and a slightly more pronounced top end tone. That’s why ceramic magnets have been a favorite of metal and hard rock guitarists for decades. Controls include a master volume and tone with traditional Black ABS “Top Hat” knobs. Rock Solid Epiphone Hardware: The Les Paul SL™ features Epiphone-designed hardware with a "Wrap Around" Stopbar Bridge Combo and Premium Covered 14:1 ratio heads for fast and accurate tuning. An optional hard case is also available. --- Body Body Shape: Les Paul Body Material: Poplar Neck Material: Mahogany Profile: 1960’ SlimTaper™ D Fingerboard: Rosewood Composite Inlays: Dot Joint: Bolt-On Hardware Finish: Chrome Tuner Plating: Chrome Bridge: Adjustable, Intonated "Wrap Around" Stopbar Combo Tuning Machines: Premium Covered; 14:1 ratio Control Knobs: Black ABS Top Hat knobs Pickup Covers: None Electronics Neck Pickup: Epiphone 650SCR™ Ceramic Single-Coil Bridge Pickup: Epiphone 700SCT™ Ceramic Single-Coil Controls: 1 Volume, 1 Tone Pickup Selector: 3-way Epiphone toggle
2 699 kr
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50-talls klassikeren er tilbake! Nå med P-90 PRO™ pickups og CTS elektronikk Epiphone Les Paul Special er den av Epiphone’s nye “Inspired by Gibson” Serie og er laget for å gjenskape lyden av den særegne single cutaway Gibson Les Paul Special fra 50-tallet. Mahogni Kropp og nydelig utførelse av den ikoniske TV Yellow fargen og utstyrt med vellydende P-90 PRO™ soapbar single-coil pickups og CTS elektronikk. P-90 Single Coil Pickup – Legendarisk Tone Introdusert i starten av 1950 tallet, Gibsons legendariske P90 single coil pickup leverer en rå kraftfull tone som har bidratt til å definere uttrykket til Blues og Rock i årene som fulgte. I dag er fremdeles P-90ens tradisjonelle kombinasjon av høyt signal og klar, definert tone fremdeles en favoritt blant mange høyt rangerte musikere. Kjent også under forskjellige kallenavn som «the Soapbar» og «the Cobalt» tar P90 sin posisjon i alle typer musikk, utrolig tonal sensitivitet for alt fra Blues og Rock til mellow jazz. Den er perfekt som vintage retrofit og kommer med to leders kabling. Den er også fullt vokset for å eliminere uønsket mikrofonisk feedback. --- Kropp Form: Les Paul Special Materiale: Mahogni Hals Materiale: Mahogni Profil: Vintage 50s Gripebrett: Indian Laurel Inlays: Dot Halsfeste: Limt Hardware Finish: Nickel Tuner Plating: Nickel Bridge: Lightning Bar Wrap Around Tailpiece: Stopbar Stemmeskruer: Vintage style Deluxe med Ivory Buttons Truss Rod Cover: "Bell Shaped"; 2-layer (Black/White) Kontroll knotter: Black Top Hats Elektronikk Neck Pickup: P-90 PRO™ Bridge Pickup: P-90 PRO™ Kontroller: Volume, Tone CTS elektronikk Pickup velger: 3-way Epiphone toggle
5 999 kr
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Now made in the USA for the first time in over 50 years! Since its introduction in 1961, the Epiphone Casino™ has been the choice of countless musicians including Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Keith Richards, Ray Davies, Dave Davies, and Paul Weller. The new Casino from the USA Epiphone Collection featuring a classic maple and poplar body with a Royal Tan nitrocellulose lacquer finish (nickel dogear Gibson USA P-90s) or a Vintage Sunburst nitrocellulose lacquer finish (black dogear Gibson USA P-90s). The USA Collection Epiphone Casino also features hand-wired electronics with Orange Drop® capacitors and Gibson USA P-90 Dogear single-coil pickups. Featuring Gibson Strings. --- NECK Material: Solid Mahogany Profile: Rounded C Scale Length: 24.75" Fingerboard Material: Indian Rosewood Fingerboard Radius: 12" Number Of Frets: 22 Frets: Medium Jumbo Nut Material: Graph Tech Nut Width: 1.687" Inlays: Acrylic Parallelogram BODY Body Shape: Casino Body Material: 3-ply Maple/Poplar/Maple Top: 3-ply Maple/Poplar/Maple Back: 3-ply Maple/Poplar/Maple Bracing: Quarter Sawn Spruce Binding: Single-ply Cream HARDWARE Finish: Nickel Tuner Plating: Nickel Bridge: ABR-1 Tailpiece: Thinline Trapeze Tuning Machines: Vintage Deluxe Pickguard: White (Casino) Three-ply White/Black/White/Black pickguard with Epiphone logo TrussRod: Adjustable Truss Rod Cover: "Bullet" shaped; 2-layer (B/W); Vintage "E" in White Pickup Covers: Black (Royal Tan) Nickel (Vintage Sunburst) ELECTRONICS Neck Pickup: Gibson USA P-90 Dogear Bridge Pickup: Gibson USA P-90 Dogear Controls: 2 volume, 2 tone, hand-wired with Orange Drop® capacitors Pickup Selector: 3-way toggle Output Jack: 1/4" MISCELLANEOUS Strings: .010, .013, .017, .026, .036, .046 Case: Epiphone Hard Case Accessories: Featuring Gibson Strings Case: Epiphone Hardshell Case Included
42 599 kr
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The new Gibson Les Paul™ Modern Figured incorporates many contemporary updates players have embraced, such as a lighter-weight mahogany body with a figured AAA maple top and a comfortable, fast-playing Slim Taper™ neck profile. The Modern fingerboard is crafted with genuine ebony and has a compound radius for lower and cleaner action. The neck/body joint features the Modern Contoured Heel for effortless access to the highest frets and maximum sustain and stability. Hardware upgrades include Grover® locking Rotomatic® tuners, clear Top Hat knobs, and Burstbucker Pro ™ and Burstbucker Pro + pickups. The control assembly features four push-pull pots to switch between Gibson humbucker™ and single coil P-90 sounds, both of which have defined so genres of music across multiple generations since we invented them, along with phase switching and pure bypass for additional sonic variety. The new Gibson Les Paul Modern Figured is here to shape sound for future generations. --- Body Shape Les Paul Material Mahogany Top AAA Figured Maple Neck Neck Mahogany Profile SlimTaper with Modern Contoured Heel Nut width 43.053mm Fingerboard Ebony Scale length 628.65mm Number of frets 22 Nut Graph Tech Inlay Mother of Pearl Trapezoid Hardware Bridge Aluminum Nashville Tune-O-Matic Knobs Clear Top Hat Tailpiece Aluminum Stop Bar Tuners Grover Locking Rotomatic with Keystone Buttons Plating Chrome Electronics Neck pickup Burstbucker Pro Bridge pickup Burstbucker Pro + Controls 2 Push/Pull Volume (Coil-Tap), 2 Push/Pull Tone (Pure Bypass/Phase) Case Case Hardshell Case
35 699 kr
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Solid, AA-grade Sitka spruce top Traditional, Legend Curved A-Bracing Center Soundhole Bolt on neck system, lightweight 2-way truss rod Lyrachord® GS Deep Bowl with micro glass beads, reduced weight and improved resonance Five-piece walnut/maple neck Resin-treated walnut fingerboard Walnut bridge with carved ornaments Scale length 643 mm, nut width 42.8 mm Oak leaf rosette with maple and walnut inlays Maple dot/diamond fingerboard inlays Black body binding Gold-plated Gotoh 510 machine head, gear ratio 1:21 DR Dragon Skin DAP-12 Light/12-54 strings, Made in USA OCP-1K pickup, OP-Pro preamp with tuner Case included --- A class of its own. Exceptional features, outstanding sounds and a consistently high level of quality are the basic recipe for the Ovation Pro Series. Over the last five decades, Ovation has made a name for itself through groundbreaking developments and modern designs, especially in circles of advanced and professional musicians. Legendary world stars have been swearing by the instruments of the American high-end maker for decades, and so model names such as Balladeer, Legend and Elite contribute significantly to the name recognition of the Ovation brand to this day. All these historic models, with their specific features, are combined in the Pro Series and still form the core range of Ovation Guitars. Legend One of the many stories about this guitar series tells of how Linda McCartney wanted to give her husband Paul an Ovation guitar for Christmas because he thought it was so great. In the end, an Ovation Legend ended up under the Christmas tree... in the left-handed version, of course. When Ovation developed the Legend series, they were looking for a special sound concept that would enable the guitars to not lose energy in any frequency range. Full basses, clear trebles and strong mids. A harmonious body – a tuned body As with all Ovation guitars, the hand-selected wood top is applied to a Lyrychord® bowl. Since Lyrachord® resonates at a clearly defined frequency, the top could be designed to resonate at a complementary frequency. The result is a "tuned" guitar body that produces a full, smooth sound. An A for an X. Most high-quality Ovation guitars use cross-braced reinforcing braces called "X-bracing" to stabilise the top. To better support the material's ability to vibrate, the reinforcements on the Ovation Legend Series are placed in an A-shapealong the grain of the wood. This "A-Bracing" significantly improves resonance in the mid and bass ranges and contributes to a balanced sound across all frequencies. Ovation Legend – it’s one of a kind.
30 995 kr
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Maritime SWS CW GT Presys II The Seagull Maritime CW GT Dreadnought features warm-sounding solid mahogany back sides, coupled with solid pressure tested spruce tops for a projecting tone, and Richlite® fretboards for a bold and clear sound. Equipped with the Fishman Presys II onboard preamp, a generous cutaway for playing ease on the upper frets and a classic Dreadnought shape, this guitar with it’s elegant high gloss top is built for comfort and tonal projection. Seagull Maritime CW GT Dreadnought har solid mahogny i sidor och botten, tillsammans med solidtt trycktestat granlock för en projicerande ton och Richlite® greppbrädor för en klar ljudbild. Utrustad med Fishman Presys II EQ och cutaway för att underlätta spel på de övre banden är denna gitarr med elegant högblank topp byggd för komfort och tonal projicering. _____ The Seagull Maritime Solid Wood Series (SWS) features warm-sounding solid mahogany back sides, coupled with solid pressure tested spruce tops for a projecting tone, and Richlite® fretboards for a bold and clear sound. The Maritime SWS CW GT also comes with a comfortable 1.72? nut width, a highly-glossed top, and an ebony bridge. Another noteworthy feature is the shadowed burst on the body and headstock. To top it off, the SWS CW GT comes equipped with the Fishman Presys II onboard preamp and a generous cutaway for playing ease on the upper frets.
17 090 kr
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