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LITEFLITE STANDARD ELECTRIC STRAT/TELE Reisende musikere møter mange utfordringer med sine høyt elskede instrumenter, og alle kan være potensielt ødeleggende for instrumentet! Eksempler er hensynsløse flyplassansatte, bagasjebånd, luftfuktighet, høye temparatursvingninger, uhell, fall, velt, regn osv. Selv bra originalkofferter fra gitarprodusentene holder ofte ikke mål. De kan være solide og uten tegn til skade, mens gitaren ligger brukket inni. Dette er oftest forårsaket av luftfuktighet og raske temperatursvingninger, og ikke nødvendigvis slag og fall. Med en termisk isolert "panserkoffert" fra HISCOX, kan du endelig senke skuldrene. -Svært solid ytterskall (standardmodellen tåler 500 kg!) -Lett (Ca 4 kg) -forsterket/armert -isolert mot temperatursvingninger -beskytter godt mot vann og luftfuktighet -topp kvalitet på alle hengsler, låser og håndtak -stort utvalg -grundig testet -produsert i UK Innvendige Mål: lenght of case: 1022 mm Lower bout of case: 324 mm Upper bout of case: 279 mm Body length: 457 mm Body depth: 51 mm Empty case Weight: 3,7 kg
2 395 kr
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2 495 kr
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Hiscox Liteflite STD-EL SG -Svært solid ytterskall (standardmodellen tåler 500 kg!) -Lett (Ca 4 kg) -forsterket/armert -isolert mot temperatursvingninger -beskytter godt mot vann og luftfuktighet -topp kvalitet på alle hengsler, låser og håndtak -stort utvalg -grundig testet -produsert i UK Reisende musikere møter mange utfordringer med sine høyt elskede instrumenter, og alle kan være potensielt ødeleggende for instrumentet! Eksempler er hensynsløse flyplassansatte, bagasjebånd, luftfuktighet, høye temparatursvingninger, uhell, fall, velt, regn osv. Selv bra originalkofferter fra gitarprodusentene holder ofte ikke mål. De kan være solide og uten tegn til skade, mens gitaren ligger brukket inni. Dette er oftest forårsaket av luftfuktighet og raske temperatursvingninger, og ikke nødvendigvis slag og fall. Med en termisk isolert "panserkoffert" fra HISCOX, kan du endelig senke skuldrene.
2 150 kr
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149 kr
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275 kr
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450 kr
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When the Marine Band was first introduced to the American market in 1896, no one could have foreseen the las t ing impac t thi s ins trument would have on the future of popular music. The af fordable price and small s ize made it the per fec t travel l ing companion. This was the s tar ting point of our Marine Band Series, which has gone on to play a key role in unleashing the raw emotion of the blues , the free spirit of country, or the energy of rock ’n’ roll. From the classic 1896 to the modern Crossover, the Marine Band Series of fer s a range of genre-defining ins trument, which are the choice for countless leading harmonica ar tis ts today. All ins truments of the Marine Band Series are made in Germany. Traditional assembly with nail Reed plates and covers are affixed with nails for the traditional look and feel Double lacquered pearwood comb Comb sealed with 2 layers of clear lacquer to reduce swelling TECHNICAL DETAILS Reed plates (material, thickness): brass, 0.9 mm Reed plates (surface): brass Reeds (number, material): 20, brass Comb (material, color): pearwood, brown Comb (finish): double lacquered Mouthpiece (surface): pearwood Cover plates: stainless steel Keys: HG, F#, F, E, Eb, D, Db, C, B(H), Bb, A, Ab, G Type: diatonic Tuning: Richter, Harmonica Minor and Natural Minor. Nm and hm just in F#, F, E, Eb, D, Db, C, B(H), Bb, A, Ab, G Number of holes: 10 Tonal range *: 3 octaves Length: 10 cm / 3.9”
610 kr
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629 kr
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Hohner The Big Valley The Big Valley Experience the spirit of freedom and explore the wide open spaces and endless soundscapes of cowboy music with the Big Valley, the right choice for any Western fan who wants to take the first steps into the world of tremolo harmonica. And it doesn’t only sound good, it’s also just the right size to fit into your saddle bag. Durable plastic comb Reliable performance under all climate conditions thanks to resilient plastic comb TECHNICAL DETAILS Reed plates (material, thickness): brass, 0.9 mm Reed plates (surface): brass Reeds (number, material): 48, brass Comb (material, color): ABS, black Comb (finish): ABS Mouthpiece (surface): ABS Cover plates: stainless steel Keys: C Type: tremolo Tuning: Richter Number of holes: 48 Tonal range *: 3.5 octaves Length: 18 cm / 7.1"
370 kr
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2 740 kr
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The legendary harp for blues! The brand name ”Blues Harp® “ has attained cult status in the contemporary music scene. The model which bears the name features a functional design combining a wooden comb, high covers without side vents and high quality reed plates to give the instrument its typical bluesy sound, which has made it immensely popular with beginning and intermediate players alike. Blues Harp® Every now and again, a branded article achieves such a high degree of success and widespread distribution that the brand name becomes synonymous with the generic product. This has certainly been the case with the HOHNER Blues Harp®, now well into its fifth decade as HOHNER‘s most popular diatonic model. Features • Doussié wood comb • Stainless steel covers without side vents • 20 MS reeds • 0.9 mm brass reed plates • Available in all 12 major keys • Made in Germany
575 kr
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Hohner HH01 holder The Traditional Harp Holder The traditional harp holder, aka neck rack, with its well-proven design is suitable for all 10 hole Richter instruments. Universal design Suitable for all 10 hole Richter harmonicas Comfortable Plastic-coated neck brace Safe Secure double-sided spring clamp to hold your harp in place
240 kr
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595 kr
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119 kr
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110 kr
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895 kr
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415 kr
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En ulv i fåreklær! Mr. Hughes og Herr Kettner har med sin TubeMeister 18 Twelve laget en av de råeste og mest fleksible forsterkerne på markedet. To kanaler - clean og lead - med ekstra boostfunksjon på leadkanalen, gjør at du får alt fra glassklar renlyd til Hi-Gain vreng - alt dette fra en pakke som veier kun 15 kilo. 18 watt fyller en klubbscene uten problemer, og takket være den innebygde Powersoak-kontrollen kan forsterkeren reduseres til 5 eller 1 watt - eller være helt lydløs og kun sende signalet via Red Box-modulen. Dette gir mulighet til å få verdens feteste rørforsterkerlyd rett i mikseren eller PC'en. Preampen inneholder 3 stk. 12AX7 rør, og 18 watt leveres av 2 stk. EL84. En unik funksjon på TM 18 er en automatisk biasjustering kalt TSC (Tube Safety Control). Denne sørger for at rørene i forsterkeren alltid jobber optimalt. Dette gir ikke bare bedre lyd, men også lengere levetid på rørene. TM-18 inneholder også en seriell effeksløyfe slik at du kan bruke dine favoritteffekter når du vil. Inneholder også en digital fjærklang. Utstyrt med 1 x 12" RockDriver Classic 60 høyttaler som er spesialdesignet til denne forsterkeren. En overdimensjonert trafo sørger for masse dynamikk og "headroom" på clean-kanalen og er med på å gi et skikkelig skyv til vrenglyden din. Kanalvalg og boostfunksjon kan styres via en FS-2 fotbryter (ekstrautstyr). Forsterkeren leveres med en kraftig bag for enkel transport. Mål (BxHxD): 480 x 415 x 285 mm Vekt: 15,4 kg
7 250 kr
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335 kr
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Set of strip machine heads (left and right). Two in line, open type. Nickel with a plastic button. For H500/1- 59 and H500/1-62 and H500/1-RLC63. Can fit vintage 500/1 basses 1962-63
1 470 kr
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Set of strip machine heads, three in line, open type. Nickel with plastic button. For Club guitars. Also for various vintage guitars
1 460 kr
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Set of strip machine heads. Three in a line. Gold with plastic rollers & wooden buttons for Hofner classical guitars.
750 kr
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Set of strip machine heads. Three in a line. Gold with plastic rollers & wooden buttons for Hofner classical guitars.
750 kr
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The Ignition Special Edition (SE) basses are based on the Höfner violin basses from the 1970s. In contrast to the Contemporary series, the Ignition basses have a hollow body. In addition to the classic control panel with Tea Cup knobs, they are equipped with a wooden bridge and trapeze tailpiece and carry the traditional Höfner logo on the body. All our Ignitions (SE) come with a certificate of authenticity and the famous BASSMAN sticker.
4 585 kr
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Pressure Pad til oversadel (nut) Farge sort.
95 kr
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Pressure Pad for oversadel til RG-2550Z, RG-2570Z, RG-2610Z, RGT-320Z, RGT-220Z, S.5470
90 kr
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Høydejusteringsskrue for komplett Lo-TRS tremolo systemer - Bilde er kun ment som illustrasjon.
69 kr
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AEW51-NT (Multi-Wood Mosaic Natural High Gloss) Som bransjeleder, med å bruke eksotiste treslag i flere av sine mest populære modeller, fortsetter her Ibanez med å vise frem et flertall modeller i sin AEW serie. Klassiske Granlokk kombineres med ulike eksotiske treslag i sider og rygg. denna med specialinnlegg i rosetten runt lydhullet. Detta ger også de ulike modellerna sin personliga prägel og sound. Den mykt avrunda Floretine cutawayen gir deg enkel adkosmt, hele veien opp til 17. bånd. Alle modeller i AEW-serien har Fishman pickup og Ibanez AEW-SP2 preamp med innebygd stemmeapparat. AEW51 har ett vakkert Multi-Mosaic mønster av jakaranda, lønn og valnøtt i sider og bunn. Spec: • AEW kropp. • Lock av Sitka Gran. • Rosewood/Spalted Maple/ Valnöt Mosaikmønster i sider og bunn. • Matchande Mosaik på hodet. • Mahogany hals. • Rosewood stol og gripebrett. • Maple fret dot inlay. • Spesialdesignet wooden rosett. • Krom Die-cast mekanikk m/svarte knapper. • Fishman Sonicore pickup. • Ibanez AEQ-SP2 preamp w/Onboard tuner. • Balanced XLR & 1/4 outputs. • D'Addario® EXP™ strenger. Halsen • Skala 648mm. • Bredde ved sadelen: 42mm. • Bredde ved 14. bånd: 54mm. • Tykkelse ved 1. bånd: 20mm. • Tykkelse ved 7. bånd: 21mm. • Radius 250mmR. Kroppen • Lengde: 508mm, 20 . • Bredde: 406mm, 16 . • Max dybde: 127mm, 4 .
6 175 kr
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Det har i den senere tid blitt veldig populært med gitarer som har et gammelt utseende. AVN6 er en slik modell og gitaren ser ut som den er produserrt på 30-40 tallet. AVN6 har en åpen og fyldig klang og er den perfekte gitaren for bl.a fingerpicking og slidespilling. Kropp: Hel gran i lokket, sarg og bunn i mahogni. Hals: Mahogni / 25" skala Mekanikk: Antique chrome open gear Farge: DTS Distressed Tobacco Sunburst - Open pore --- SPEC body shape Parlor body top Solid Sitka Spruce top back & sides Mahogany back & sides neck Mahogany Soft-V shape neck w/Diamond volute fretboard Rosewood soundhole rosette Herringbone tuning machine Antique Chrome Tuners w/Oval knobs bridge pins Ibanez Advantage™ Bridge pin strings D'Addario® EXP™11 Coated 80/20 Bronze, Light (.012-.053 Gauge) Neck Dimensions Scale 634mm a : Width at Nut 43mm b : Width at 14th Fret 55mm c : Thickness at 1st 21mm d : Thickness at 7th 22mm Radius 400mmR Body Dimensions a : Length 19 1/2" b : Width 14 1/4" c : Max Depth 5" Others •Dovetail Neck Joint Recommended Case/Bag •AC100C . FEATURES
5 995 kr
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AW54CE OPN - Akustisk/elektrisk dreadnoughtmodell med open pore finish. Gitaren er produsert i mahogni med heltre lokk. Den har en rund og varm akustisk tone og for de som ønsker å bruke den sammen med en forsterker eller i et PA anlegg, låter den perfekt da den er utstyrt med Fishman Sonicore mikrofon og AEQ210TF forforsterker med stemmeapparat. -- AEQ210TF preamp w/Onboard tuner Specification body shape Cutaway Dreadnought body bracing X Bracing top Solid Mahogany back & sides Mahogany back and sides neck Mahogany neck fretboard Rosewood bridge Rosewood body binding Black tuning machine Chrome Die-cast Tuner number of frets 20 bridge pins Ibanez Advantage™ Bridge pin strings (.012-.053 Gauge) pickup Fishman® Sonicore pickup preamp Ibanez AEQ210TF preamp w/Onboard tuner output jack 1/4" Endpin Jack battery 9V Battery finish top Open Pore finish back and sides Open Pore finish neck back Satin Neck Dimensions Scale 651mm a : Width at Nut 43mm b : Width at 14th Fret 55mm c : Thickness at 1st 21mm d : Thickness at 7th 22mm Radius 400mmR Body Dimensions a : Length 20" b : Width 15 3/4" c : Max Depth 5" Others Dovetail Neck Join
3 995 kr
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Ibanez Artwood er akustiske kvalitetsgitarer hvor valg av treverk er første prioritet. AW65ECE har aktiv forforsterker med bl.a. innebygget stemmeapparat. Gitaren har hel sedertre i lokket og en god akustisk tone. Halsen har også en veldig behagelig profil som gir gitaren en god spillekomfort. Kropp: Hel sedertre i lokket, sarg og bunn i mahogni. Hals: Mahogni Forforsterker: Ibanez AEQ210TF med innebygget stemmeapparat Mikrofon: Fishman Sonicore Mekanikk: Die-Cast Farge: LG Natural - lavglanspolert
4 495 kr
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Ibanez Artwood er akustiske kvalitetsgitarer hvor valg av treverk er første prioritet. AW70ECE har aktiv forforsterker med bl.a. innebygget stemmeapparat. Gitaren har hel Sitkagran i lokket og en god akustisk tone. Halsen har også en veldig behagelig profil som gir gitaren en god spillekomfort. Kropp: Hel Sitka gran i lokket, sarg og bunn i mahogni. Hals: Mahogni Forforsterker: Ibanez SPT Shape Shifter med innebygget stemmeapparat Mikrofon: Piezo Mekanikk: Die-Cast Farge: BK Black - høyglanspolert
4 795 kr
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GSR180-BEM (Baltic Blue Metallic) GIO. GSR serien tilbyr den berømte Soundgear elegansen, komforten, tonen og spillbarheten. Ikke bare ser og spiller GSR Soundgears bedre enn alt annet i deres prisklasse, deres strenge inspeksjon og oppsett er det samme som på Ibanez sine dyrere modeller. Spec: • GSR4 Maple neck. • Purpleheart fretboard w/White dot inlay. • Medium frets • Poplar body. • Dynamix (H) passiv neck pickup. • Dynamix (H) passic bridge pickup. • B10 bridge (19mm string spacing). • Chrome hardware. Neck: • 864mm/34" scale. • 41mm Width at nut. • 62mm Width at last fret. • 21mm Thickness at 1F. • 22mm Thickness at 12F. • 305mmR radius.
2 995 kr
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GSR200-BK (Black) GIO. GSR serien tilbyr den berømte Soundgear elegansen, komforten, tonen og spillbarheten. Ikke bare ser og spiller GSR Soundgears bedre enn alt annet i deres prisklasse, deres strenge inspeksjon og oppsett er det samme som på Ibanez sine dyrere modeller. Spec: • GSR4 Maple Neck. • Jatoba Fretboard. • 22 medium frets. • Poplar body. • Dynamix P Neck PU. • Dynamix J Bridge PU. • Phat II EQ. • B10 Bridge. • Chrome hardware. Neck: • 864mm/34? Scale. • 41mm Width at nut. • 62mm Width at last fret. • 21mm Thickness at 1F. • 22mm Thickness at 12F. • 305mmR radius.
3 725 kr
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GSR280QA-TYS (Transparent Yellow Sunburst) GIO. SR är nog den basmodell de flesta tänker på när någon säger "Ibanez bas" och i runt 35 år har den varit den marknadsledande modellen bland "small body" basar (basar med mindre, slimmade, kroppar). Det är lätta, lättspelade basar som är extremt sköna att ha hängande på sig och att spela på, perfekta för folk som spelar mycket eller långa spelpass. GSR280QA är SR basar i Ibanez GIO serie. Ett instrument behöver inte kosta massor för att låta bra. GIO serien är framtagen för musiker som vill ha Ibanez spelkomfort och känsla till ett lågt pris. Extremt prisvärda instrument som både känns och låter bra. GIO finns i flera olika modeller och utförande och alla har de gemensamt att de är enkla men stryktåliga gitarrer och basar längre upp i nivå än att vara bara nybörjarinstrument. Spec: • GSR4 Maple neck. • Purpleheart fretboard w/White dot inlay. • Medium frets • Okoume body. • Dynamix (H) passiv neck pickup. • Dynamix (H) passic bridge pickup. • Phat II EQ. • B10 bridge (19mm string spacing). • Chrome hardware. Halsen: • 864mm/34" skala. • 41mm bred vid sadeln. • 62mm bred vid sista band. • 21mm tjock vid 1a band. • 22mm tjock vid 12e band. • 305mmR radius.
4 095 kr
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59 kr
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85 kr
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PN12MHE-OPN. (Open Pore Natural).Westerngitarr m.mik. Parlor Spot. Med Ibanez Performance gitarrer får du professionella features, kvalitet och ljud till ett extremt bra pris. Instrument under Ibanez namn med allt vad det innebär av kvalitet och kunnande. Den något smalare halsbredden (42mm) gör den lätt greppbar och rejält lättspelt. Perfekt för yngre och nybörjare. Prisvärt är en rejäl underdrift. Spec: • Parlor kropp. • Okoume top. • Okoume back & sides. • Nyatoh neck. • Laurel fretboard. • Laurel bridge.. • Chrome Open-gear machine-heads. • Ibanez Advantage? bridge pins. • Ibanez undersaddle pickup. • Ibanez AEQ-2T preamp w/Onboard tuner. Halsen: • Scale: 24,8"/628.65mm. • Width at nut: 42mm. • Width at 14th fret:: 54mm. • Thickness 1st fret: 21mm. • Thickness 12th fret: 22.5mm. • Radius: 240mmR. Kroppen: • Längd: 483mm, 19". • Bredd: 356mm, 14". • Max djup: 102mm, 4".
3 195 kr
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TMB30-BK (Black) Talman Bass. Den nye Talman bass-serien kombinerer gjenopptredenen av en historisk Ibanez kroppsform med sjangerløs allsidighet. TMB elektroniske system baner veien til en rekke klassiske toner. Spec: • TMB4 Maple Neck. • Jatoba fretboard. • 20 medium frets. • Poplar body. • B10 Bridge. • Dynamix P neck pickup (Passive) • Dynamix J bridge pickup (Passive) • Ibanez Custom Electronics 2-band EQ. • Chrome hardware. Neck: • 762mm/30" Scale. • 41mm Width at nut. • 62mm Width at last fret. • 21.5mm Thickness at 1F. • 24.5mm Thickness at 12F. • 240mmR radius.
3 495 kr
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iKeyboard 3 The Icon iKeyboard 3 combines a two-octave piano keyboard with a single channel DAW controller in a rugged metal enclosure. Unlike many keyboard controllers with small plastic keys, this piano keyboard was specially designed by Icon with great attention to detail. The full sized keys are semi-weighted to provide realistic piano action. Touch strips provided for pitch bend and modulation. The Icon iKeyboard 3 has all the controls you need right at your fingertips. The controller section features a touch fader with LED feedback to control and automate levels and other parameters, plus mute, solo, and rec buttons, with track and bank selection. A full transport is provided for playback, recording, looping, and changing automation modes. The large rotary encoder with LED ring can be used for panning, setting send levels, controlling plugin parameters, and more. The Icon iKeyboard 3 comes bundled with Cubase LE and includes factory presets for most popular DAW’s including Cubase, Nuendo, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Ableton Live, Samplitude and Studio One. Every control on the iKeyboard 3 can be custom-mapped to any MIDI application using the included iMap software. The iKeyboard 3 uses Mackie Control and HUI protocols for presets and automatic mapping, and can be configured for general MIDI values as well. The iKeyboard 3 has connections for expression and sustain pedals, MIDI out, USB, and power. Features 25-note keyboard controller with single-channel DAW controller Full size, semi-weighted keys with realistic piano action and selectable velocity curves Keyboard exclusively designed by Icon Pitch-Bend and Modulation touch strips Transpose and octave up/down buttons Powerful control surface equipped with Mackie Control and HUI protocols. Includes presets for Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Ableton Live, Cubase, Nuendo, and Samplitude Backlit LED touch fader to control levels, automation, and more Rotary encoder with 11-segment LED ring to control panning, sends, and plugins 6 transport buttons including Play, Stop, Rec, Rewind, Fast forward and Loop Mute, Solo, Rec arm buttons All buttons are illuminated to provide feedback 3-segment LED screen Expression & sustain pedal jacks Midi output USB 2.0 high-speed connectivity Includes Cubase LE Includes iMap software for quick and easy MIDI mapping Class-compliant with Windows XP, Vista (32-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit), Windows 8 (32-bit & 64-bit),Windows 10 (32-bit & 64-bit) and OS X (10.4 and higher) Firmware upgradable over USB Robust aluminum and metal casing with Kensington lock port Weight: 4.7lb Dimensions (LxWxH) 18.86? x 7.4? x 2.7?
799 kr
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2 899 kr
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249 kr
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ABS guitar purfling black plain - 1600x2x1.5mm (63x0.08x0.06")
110 kr
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ABS guitar purfling cream plain - 1600x2x1.5mm (63x0.08x0.06")
110 kr
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ABS guitar purfling Ivory plain - 1600x2x1.5mm (63x0.08x0.06")
110 kr
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ABS guitar purfling white plain - 1600x2x1.5mm (63x0.08x0.06")
110 kr
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celluloid guitar purfling white pearloid - 1600x2x1.5mm (63x0.08x0.06")
165 kr
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PVC guitar purfling black/white/black plain 3-ply - 1700x1.5x1.5mm (66.9x0.06x0.06")
135 kr
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PVC guitar purfling white/black/white plain 3-ply - 1700x1.5x1.5mm (66.9x0.06x0.06")
135 kr
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350 kr
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350 kr
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575 kr
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450 kr
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350 kr
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This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele, arranged for the Alto Saxophone. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young.
159 kr
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This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele, arranged for the Flute. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young.
159 kr
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This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele, arranged for the Trumpet. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young.
159 kr
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This volume in the Hal Leonard Instrumental Play-Along series features 12 of the most popular songs by the iconic British songstress Adele, arranged for the Violin. The price of this book includes access to online audio demonstration and backing tracks that allow instrumentalists to slow down the audio without changing pitch, loop for challenging parts and more. Songs include: All I Ask, Chasing Pavements, Make You Feel My Love, Hello, Million Years Ago, Remedy, Rolling in the Deep, Set Fire To The Rain, Rumour Has It, Skyfall, Someone like You and When We Were Young.
159 kr
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298 kr
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1 310 kr
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