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Dunlop Lok Strap 7036
30 kr
MicroAmp+ er en spesialdesignet versjon av MicroAmp. Dette gjennom å legge til EQ (hvilket er et savn på originalen) samt low-noise op-amps som demper buller effektivt også ved superhøye nivåer. True bypass. Gain opp til 26+dB.
Dunlop MXR CSP233 Micro Amp+ Pedal
1 795 kr
Dunlop Polish Cloth 5400
60 kr
Dunlop Straplok SLS 1034 Gold
295 kr
Saucy box har balansert ett optimalt forhold mellom ren lyd og overdrive-signal, med en passiv tone krets, i en enkel overdrive-boks. Saucy Box har en enestående allsidighet fra clean til overdrive og kombinerer dem for å levere en av de mest amp -lignende overdrivepedaler som er på markedet.
Dunlop WHE205 Way Huge Saucy Box Overdrive Pedal
1 895 kr
Duracell CR2032 Battery 3V 2-pack
65 kr
D. Wick 5504 Straight Mute, Trompet/Kornett
635 kr
D. Wick 5523 Straight Mute, Tenorhorn
1 225 kr
D. Wick 5529 Cup Mute, Trombone
1 325 kr
D. Wick 5530 Waldhorn Øvingsmute
775 kr
D. Wick 5531 Just. Cup Mute, Trompet/Kornett
799 kr
D. Wick 5533 Cup Mute, Bass Trombone
1 070 kr
D. Wick 5880-6BM Trombone Munnstykke
915 kr
D. Wick Baryton Munnstykke SM4X Ultra Silver Plated
1 160 kr
PowerPeg PowerPeg er strengt tatt den beste løsningen man kan tenke seg for å løse den anstrengende oppgaven å strenge om sitt instrument. Det er en motordrevet strengevinder som lar deg bytte strenger opp til 70% raskere enn med en standard håndsveiv-variant. Den snurrer fram- og bakover med opp til 250 rpm og hodet er spesialutformet for å passe i prinsipp til alle basser, el- og akustiske gitarer. Drives av 4 stk AA-batterier.
EB 4118 Power Peg Winder, Gitar osv.
275 kr
THE EBS PCF FLAT PATCH CABLE IS AN ORIGINAL DESIGN BY EBS. DUE TO THE CLEVER SPACE SAVING DESIGN, THE CABLES HAVE BECOME THE PATCH CABLE-TO-GO FOR MUSICIANS ALL OVER THE WORLD.* If you have ever struggled with limited space on your pedalboard, we share the pain with you. To end the frustration we’ve designed the truly unique, super compact and affordable EBS Flat Patch Cables. Cables that won’t let you down on sound and flexibility, and at the same time reduce the space needed between pedals to a minimum. ThePCF Deluxe (PCF-DL)series is the most affordable alternative and is an improved version of the original design. - Double shielded cables and very low resistance keep your signal path clean and strong all the way through the pedalboard. - Very compact size and flexible cables ensure effective use of ALL space on your pedalboard. - Available in four lengths to cover your needs; 10, 18, 28 and 58 cm. - NEW!Now also available as TRS (Stereo) patch cables in 28 and 58 cm (PCF-DLS28 & DLS58).
EBS PCF-DL10 Flat Patch Kabel, 10cm
89 kr
EH Volume Pedal
1 198 kr
EIKON WM700M PLL UHF WIRELESS HANDHELD MICROPHONE SYSTEM -PLL –16 CH Selectable frequency wireless microphone system -32 Khz Digital Tone Pilot -New durable Painting Finishing -Universal USB Power Adapter -823 - 832 Mhz frequency range -30 meter/ 100 feet range -50 Hz -15 KHz frequency response -105 dB signal/ noise ratio -Cardioid dynamic capsule -Up to 4 frequency usable in the same location -ABS carrying and storage case RECEIVER Frequency Band UHF: 823-832 MHz RF Sensibility -105 dBm RF Image/Spurious Rej. >70 dB RF Interference Reject. >70 dB RF Frequency Stability ±0.002% THD Distortion <1% S/N Ratio >105 dB Frequency Response 50 Hz – 15 KHz (±3 dB) Power Supply 5 V DC 500 mA Dimensions (mm) 175 x 135 x 45 HANDHELD TRANSMITTER RF Frequency Band UHF: 823-832 MHz RF Power <10 dBm Modulation method FM (F3E) RF Max deviation ±40 KHz RF Frequency Stability ±0.002% Spurious Emission under limits EN 300422 Frequency Response 50 Hz – 15 KHz (±3 dB) Power Supply 2x1.5V AA alkaline bat Dimensions (mm) 235 x 50 x 50
Eikon WM700M Trådløs Mikrofon HåndHoldt
2 195 kr
El-Bass Boka 2 m/CD, Øivind Madsen
309 kr
Electro Harmonix startet sin rørproduksjon på begynnelsen av 90-tallet. Rørene blir lagd for hånd i Russland og går igjennom en rekke harde tester før de blir shippet. Electro Harmonix-rørene har høyt headroom og passer bra til de aller fleste typer forsterkere. - Pris pr. stk.
Electro Harmonix 12AT7-EH(ECC 81) Forsterker Rør
380 kr
Electro Harmonix 12AU7A-EH(ECC 82, 5814A) Forsterker Rør
380 kr
Electro Harmonix 12AX7-EH(ECC 83) Forsterker Rør
410 kr
Electro Harmonix startet sin rørproduksjon på begynnelsen av 90-tallet. Rørene blir lagd for hånd i Russland og går igjennom en rekke harde tester før de blir shippet. Electro Harmonix-rørene har høyt headroom og passer bra til de aller fleste typer forsterkere. - Pris pr. stk.
Electro Harmonix 6L6GC-EH(5881) Forsterker Rør
450 kr
Electro Harmonix startet sin rørproduksjon på begynnelsen av 90-tallet. Rørene blir lagd for hånd i Russland og går igjennom en rekke harde tester før de blir shippet. Electro Harmonix-rørene har høyt headroom og passer bra til de aller fleste typer forsterkere. - Pris pr. stk.
Electro Harmonix EL34-EH Forsterker Rør
725 kr
Electro Harmonix startet sin rørproduksjon på begynnelsen av 90-tallet. Rørene blir lagd for hånd i Russland og går igjennom en rekke harde tester før de blir shippet. Electro Harmonix-rørene har høyt headroom og passer bra til de aller fleste typer forsterkere. Pris pr stk.
Electro Harmonix EL84-EH Forsterker Rør
450 kr
3 utgaver av Elektrisk - Lett, middels og viderekommende utgave
Elektrisk for piano arrangert av Nicolae Bogdan - Marcus & Martinus
59 kr
Elixir 14122 Ph. Bronze Løse Strenger .022
99 kr
Elixir 14132 Ph. Bronze Løse Strenger .032
99 kr
ELIXIR 11500 NANOWEB® Mandolin Light Acoustic -10-14-24-34- . Strenger til Mandolin. Only coated string brand to protect the entire string with an ultra-thin coating, keeping gunk out of the gaps between the windings Extended Tone Life – players report their tone lasts longer than any other string, uncoated or coated Consistent performance and tone – ready to play whenever you are Smooth feel that is easy on your fingers and enhances playability Reduced finger squeak – good for both performance and recording With less hassle and expense of frequent string changes, spend more time making music
Elixir 80/20 Bronze Strenger Mandolin, 010-034
235 kr
Elixir Bass Gitar Strenger .045-.105
599 kr
Optiweb-coatingen til Elixir er et resultat av lang tids forskning. Beskyttelsen har aldri vært tynnere og lettere! Og resultatet? En spillefølelse som gjør at du neppe kjenner at strengene er beskyttet mot rust og korrosjon, og i tillegg en lyd vi tviler på at du kan skille fra strenger uten coating! Vi du ha lyden av et strengesett uten coating, bare mye, mye lengre? Prøv Optiweb!
Elixir NW Optiweb El.Gitar Strenger 009-042, Super Light
205 kr
Optiweb-coatingen til Elixir er et resultat av lang tids forskning. Beskyttelsen har aldri vært tynnere og lettere! Og resultatet? En spillefølelse som gjør at du neppe kjenner at strengene er beskyttet mot rust og korrosjon, og i tillegg en lyd vi tviler på at du kan skille fra strenger uten coating! Vi du ha lyden av et strengesett uten coating, bare mye, mye lengre? Prøv Optiweb!
Elixir NW Optiweb El.Gitar Strenger 009-046, Custom Light
220 kr
Optiweb-coatingen til Elixir er et resultat av lang tids forskning. Beskyttelsen har aldri vært tynnere og lettere! Og resultatet? En spillefølelse som gjør at du neppe kjenner at strengene er beskyttet mot rust og korrosjon, og i tillegg en lyd vi tviler på at du kan skille fra strenger uten coating! Vi du ha lyden av et strengesett uten coating, bare mye, mye lengre? Prøv Optiweb!
Elixir NW Optiweb El.Gitar Strenger 010-046, Light
205 kr
Elixir NW Optiweb El.Gitar Strenger 011-049, Medium
220 kr
Elixir Ph. Bronze Strenger 010-047
285 kr
Elixir Ph. Bronze Strenger 011-052
285 kr
Elixir Ph. Bronze Strenger 012-053
285 kr
ELIXIR NANOWEB Phosphor Bronze. 012-053 (3x16052) Promotion pack
Elixir Ph. Bronze Strenger 012-053 Promopack (3 sett)
498 kr
ELIXIR 16152 Phosphor Bronze NANOWEB® 12-String Light 10/10-14/14-23/9-30/12-39/18-47/27 Anti Rust plain steels. Strenger til Akustisk gitar.
Elixir Ph. Bronze Strenger, 12-strengs Gitar, 010-047
465 kr
This updated edition features easy arrangements of 30 of Elton's very best.
Elton John: Anthology - 2nd Edition, Easy Piano
225 kr
EMG 60-BK Humbucker Mikrofon, sort
1 140 kr
EMG 81-BK Humbucker Mikrofon, sort
1 140 kr
Lin-Manuel Miranda's soundtrack to Encanto has taken the music world by storm. The catchy single We Don't Talk About Bruno shot to the top of the Billboard® singles chart, the Encanto soundtrack also topped the album charts, and the momentum only keeps growing! Our souvenir matching folio features eight pages of color artwork from the movie plus 9 songs arranged for piano and voice with guitar chords. Songs include: All of You · Colombia, Mi Encanto · Dos Oruguitas · The Family Madrigal · Surface Pressure · Two Oruguitas · Waiting on a Miracle · We Don't Talk About Bruno · What Else Can I Do?
Encanto, Disney Sountrack PVG, Lin-Manuel Miranda
295 kr
Endeknott Violin/Bratsj, Ibenholz polert
33 kr
Endeknott Violin/Bratsj, Ibenholz polert med Flange
33 kr
Endeknott Violin, Ibenholz polert med Flange, 1/2-1/4
33 kr
Engl Metalmaster E304 Combo Gitarforsterker 20 watt 1x10"
10 195 kr
Engl Z4 Fotbryter, E650,330,335,645,310
1 195 kr
En Stjerne Skinner
150 kr
The Epiphone Adam Jones Art Collection consists of seven Silverburst Les Paul ™ Custom models, each featuring reproductions of different works of fine art on the back. Adam curated the featured artwork, and additional artwork, designed by artist Korin Faught, adorns the back of the headstock of each model. Five distinguished artists are featured in the collection, and only 800 guitars of each model will be produced. This unprecedented limited-edition collection brings Adam's love of art and music together. This model from the Adam Jones Les Paul Custom Art Collection features Ernst Fuchs' "ANTI-LAOKOON 1965" on the back. It is also an exceptional instrument for your next musical masterpiece. It has bound mahogany body with a maple cap, a three-piece bound maple neck with an Adam Jones Custom profile, and an ebony fretboard. It is equipped with reverse-mounted Epiphone ProBucker™ Custom humbucker ™ in the neck position and a Seymour Duncan® Distortion in the bridge; both are wired to CTS® potentiometers and Orange Drop® capacitors. A Marquee Back Plate with the artist's name and the name of the artwork is also included. Finished in Antique Silverburst as an homage to Adam's beloved original Silverbust 1979 Gibson® Les Paul Custom, a Protector hardshell case is also included ----------------- Body Shape Les Paul Material Mahogany Top Maple Binding 7-Ply Top, 5-Ply Back and Headstock, Single Ply Fretboard Neck Neck 3-piece Maple with Volute Profile Adam Jones Custom Profile Nut width 43mm Fingerboard Ebony Scale length 628.65mm Number of frets 22 Nut Graph Tech Inlay Block Hardware Bridge Epiphone Lock Tone Tune-O-Matic Tailpiece Epiphone Lock Tone Stop Bar Knobs Black Speed with Nickel Dial Pointers Tuners Vintage-style Chrome, 16:1 Ratio Plating Chrome Electronics Neck Pickup Epiphone ProBucker Custom, Reverse Mounted Bridge Pickup Seymour Duncan Distortion Controls 2 Volume, 2 Tone, CTS Potentiometers, Orange Drop Capacitors Case Case Protector Series Hardshell Case
Epiphone Adam Jones Les Paul Custom, ErnstFuchs’“ANTI-LAOKOON 1965”, Artist Serie
17 099 kr
Modern double cut design with AAA Flame Maple top and ProBuckers™ with coil-splitting The DC PRO is Epiphone’s modern take on the classic Del Rey Double Cut design. Featuring a solid Mahogany body with a AAA Flame Maple Veneer top, ProBucker™ humbuckers with coil-splitting, and a treble bleed circuit to maintain clarity at reduced volumes. Now available in Black Cherry, Faded Cherry Sunburst, Midnight Ebony, Mojave Fade, and Wild Ivy. ProBucker™ humbucker Pickups The classic "P.A.F" sound is closer than you think Epiphone's ProBucker™ humbucker has quietly become one of the most talked about pickups in the industry. It has fooled experts, vintage purists, and even luthiers who have worked with the best vintage examples from the late 50s and early 60s. Epiphone ProBucker™ humbuckers are the real deal--made with 18% Nickel Silver unit bases and covers, the same alloy used by Gibson at the Kalamazoo factory when the humbucker was first invented. The use of Nickel Silver reduces the occurrence of eddy currents due to low conductivity and provides a more transparent and crisp output. The size and shape of the bobbins also has a great impact on tonal response. And the bobbins used on ProBucker™ pickups duplicate the size and shape of the gold standard in the industry, Gibson humbuckers. Epiphone ProBucker™ pickups also feature sand cast Alnico II magnets, high quality 4 conductor lead wire, and are vacuum wax potted to eliminate microphonics. ---
Epiphone DC Pro El.Gitar Black Cherry "Rigget ved vårt verksted"
6 899 kr
Sweet and Soulful Semi-Hollow The ES-335 is Epiphone's version of the historic ES-335 that has been wowing guitar players all over the world for over six decades. From its inaugural appearance in 1958, the Gibson™ ES-335 set an unmatched standard. Our Epiphone ES-335 is no exception. It is simply one of the best deals today for guitar players who want the classic sound of an ES-335 at an accessible price. The ES-335 is crafted with a layered maple top, back, and sides coupled with a solid maple tone block to create the amazing sustain, warmth, and resonant tone that players crave in a semi-hollow instrument. Epiphone's Alnico Classic PRO™ Humbuckers deliver a wide range of vintage sounds while the rounded C neck profile is extremely comfortable and easy to play, and the headstock features the 60s style Kalamazoo shape. --- NECK Material: Mahogany Profile: Rounded C Scale Length: 24.724" Fingerboard Material: Indian Laurel Fingerboard Radius: 12" Number Of Frets: 22 Frets: Medium Jumbo Nut Material: Graph Tech® NuBone® Nut Width: 1.693" End of Board Width: 2.239" Inlays: Dot Joint: Glued in: Set Neck BODY Body Shape: ES-335 Body Material: Layered Maple Top: Layered Maple Back: Layered Maple Side: Layered Maple Centerblock: Maple Binding: Single ply cream - top, back and fretboard HARDWARE Finish: Nickel Tuner Plating: Nickel Bridge: LockTone™ Tune-O-Matic™ Tailpiece: LockTone™ Stop Bar Tuning Machines: Epiphone Deluxe Pickguard: Gibson™ ES-335 Shape, Black, 5-ply TrussRod: Dual Action Truss Rod Cover: 2-ply Bell Control Knobs: Black Top Hat knobs with metal inserts Switch Tip: Cream cap Plastic Parts: Black: PVC Strap Buttons: 2 - bottom and back of heel Mounting Rings: Black: PVC ELECTRONICS Neck Pickup: Alnico Classic PRO™ Bridge Pickup: Alnico Classic PRO™ Controls: 2 Volume, 2 Tone, CTS® potentiometers Pickup Selector: 3-way toggle Output Jack: Standard Epiphone Controls: 2 Volume, 2 Tone, CTS® potentiometers Pickup Selector: 3-way Epiphone toggle Output Jack: Heavy Duty Epiphone 1/4" output jack
Epiphone ES-335 Orkester Gitar, Vintage Sunburst "Rigget ved vårt verksted"
8 499 kr
Featuring Fishman Fluence Pickups With Custom Voicings! The newly reimagined Epiphone Prophecy collection features iconic Inspired by Gibson™ body shapes with a modern twist for players seeking to break tradition and set new standards in speed, sound, and technique. Front-and-center is a pair of custom voiced Fishman Fluence® pickups that deliver three distinct tones - a warm "Patent Applied For" vintage humbucker™, a hot modern active humbucker sound, and a shimmering, optimized single-coil sound, all accessed by push/pull volume and tone pots. The Les Paul™ Prophecy also includes Grover® locking Rotomatic® tuners, Epiphone's LockTone™ Tune-O-Matic™ bridge and tailpiece for added sustain, a Graph Tech® NuBone® nut that boosts harmonic content and increases tuning stability, custom binding, ebony fretboard, jumbo frets, ultra-modern weight relief, and an asymmetrical SlimTaper™ neck for comfort and speed. Available in a AAA figured maple top in Red Tiger Aged Gloss and Olive Tiger Aged Gloss, or plain top in Black Aged Gloss. Case sold separately. ---------------- NECK Material: Mahogany Profile: Asymmetrical SlimTaper with contoured heel Scale Length: 24.724" Fingerboard Material: Ebony Fingerboard Radius: 12.01" Number Of Frets: 24 Frets: Jumbo Nut Material: Graph Tech NuBone XL Black Nut Width: 1.693" End of Board Width: 2.258" Inlays: Block and Triangle; Abalone compliments body color Joint: Glued-In, Set Nec BODY Body Shape: Les Paul Body Material: Mahogany Top: Carved Hard Maple cap with AAA Flame Maple veneer Weight Relief: Ultra Modern Weight Relief HARDWARE Finish: Brushed Nickel Tuner Plating: Brushed Nickel Bridge: Epiphone LockTone Tune-O-Matic Saddle Material: Brushed Nickel Tailpiece: Epiphone LockTone Stop Bar Tuning Machines: Grover Locking Rotomatic Pickguard: None TrussRod: Dual Action Truss Rod Cover: 2-Ply, 3-Hole Bell Control Knobs: Knurled Metal : Brushed Nickel Switch Tip: Black Cap Switchwasher: None Jack Plate Cover: Brushed Nickel Plastic Parts: Black; PVC Control Covers: Black; PVC, back plate with battery compartment Strap Buttons: 2, Brushed Nickel (Bottom and Heel) Mounting Rings: Black; PVC Pickup Covers: Brushed Nickel ELECTRONICS Neck Pickup: Fishman Fluence Epiphone Prophecy Neck Bridge Pickup: Fishman Fluence Epiphone Prophecy Bridge Controls: 2 Volume (push/pull coil splits); 2 Tone (push/pull Vintage/Modern pickup) Pickup Selector: 3-way toggle switch, Epiphone all-metal Output Jack: Epiphone Heavy Duty 1/4"-
Epiphone Les Paul Prophecy El.Gitar, Olive Tiger Aged Gloss "Rigget ved vårt verksted"
12 199 kr
The Historic Texan Joins the Masterbilt Family The guitar that inspired two British Invasions joins the Masterbilt family! Based on the historic 60s Texan played by Paul McCartney and Peter Frampton. Featuring a Solid Sitka Spruce top, Solid Mahogany body, bone nut and saddle, and the Fishman Sonitone OEM pickup system. Includes vintage style blue rectangle sound hole label. Available in Antique Natural Aged and Faded Cherry Aged finish. Featuring Gibson Strings. --- Body Body Shape: TexanBody Material: Mahogany Top: Solid Sitka Spruce Finish: Aged Gloss Natural Neck Material: Mahogany Profile: Traditional 1960s Slim Taper C Profile Fingerboard Material: Indian Laurel Inlays: Pearloid "Split Block" Rectangles Joint: Glues in Hardware Finish: Nickel Tuner Plating: Nickel Tuning Machines: 3 on a side with Ivory Buttons Electronics Under Saddle Pickup: Fishman Preamp: Fishman™ OEM-SON-GT2 Sonitone™ OEM System
Epiphone Masterbilt Texan Ak. Gitar med Mikrofon, Antique Natural Aged
10 299 kr
Epiphone Potmeter, Push/Pull (Goth)
195 kr
Inspired by the 1961 Gibson SG and powered ProBucker™ humbuckers The Epiphone SG Standard ’61 from the new Inspired by Gibson Collection recreates the rare 1961 Gibson SG, from its first year of production. Featuring a classic Mahogany body in a Vintage Cherry finish and powered by ProBucker™ humbuckers with CTS electronics. ProBucker™ humbucker Pickups The classic "P.A.F" sound is closer than you think Epiphone's ProBucker™ humbucker has quietly become one of the most talked about pickups in the industry. It has fooled experts, vintage purists, and even luthiers who have worked with the best vintage examples from the late 50s and early 60s. Epiphone ProBucker™ humbuckers are the real deal--made with 18% Nickel Silver unit bases and covers, the same alloy used by Gibson at the Kalamazoo factory when the humbucker was first invented. The use of Nickel Silver reduces the occurrence of eddy currents due to low conductivity and provides a more transparent and crisp output. The size and shape of the bobbins also has a great impact on tonal response. And the bobbins used on ProBucker™ pickups duplicate the size and shape of the gold standard in the industry, Gibson humbuckers. Epiphone ProBucker™ pickups also feature sand cast Alnico II magnets, high quality 4 conductor lead wire, and are vacuum wax potted to eliminate microphonics.
Epiphone SG Standard '61 El.Gitar, Vintage Cherry, "Ferdig rigget ved vårt verksted"
6 899 kr
Inspired by the 1960s Gibson classic with Alnico Classic PRO™ humbuckers plus new colors! The Epiphone SG Standard from the new Inspired by Gibson Collection recreates the legendary 1960s classic that powered the first generation of hard rock and heavy metal bands including The Who, Cream, AC/DC, and Black Sabbath. Featuring the historic SG profile with “batwing” pickguard in Heritage Cherry, Ebony, and Alpine White finishes. Powered by Alnico Classic PRO™ humbuckers with CTS electronics and Epiphone Deluxe Tuners 18:1 ratio.
Epiphone SG Standard El.Gitar, Alpine White, "Ferdig rigget ved vårt verksted"
6 099 kr
An Iconic Guitar Shaped by an Iconic Player Epiphone and Slash are proud to present the Slash Collection. Part of the Inspired by Gibson Collection, it celebrates influential guitars Slash has used during his career, inspiring multiple generations of players around the world. Perfect for every stage and players of all levels, the Epiphone Slash J-45 features all solid wood construction with solid mahogany back and sides, a solid Sitka spruce top with a 50s-style pickguard, Grover Rotomatic tuners, Graph Tech TUSQ nut and saddle, and Slash’s personal touches including a C-shape neck profile, a flatter, more modern 16" fretboard radius, and an LR Baggs VTC preamp and under-saddle pickup for natural acoustic sound when plugged in. Exclusive to the Slash Collection are Slash's “Skully” signature drawing on the back of the headstock and Slash’s signature on the truss rod cover. A custom hardshell case with Slash's "Skully" logo is also included. --- Body •Body Shape: J-45 •Body Material: Solid Mahogany •Top: Solid Sitka Spruce •Back: Solid Mahogany •Side: Solid Mahogany •Binding: 4-ply Top, 1-ply Back •Finish: Gloss Neck •Material: Mahogany •Profile: Slash Custom Rounded C-Shape •Scale Length: 24.75" / 628.65mm •Fingerboard Material: Indian Laurel •Fingerboard Radius: 16" •Number Of Frets: 20 •Frets: Medium Jumbo •Nut Material: Graph Tech TUSQ •Nut Width: 1.69" / 43mm •Inlays: Mother of Pearl Dots •Joint: Tapered Dovetail, Glued-In Hardware •Finish: Nickel •Tuner Plating: Nickel •Bridge: Indian Laurel, Reverse Belly •Saddle Material: Graph Tech TUSQ •Tuning Machines: Grover Rotomatic •Pickguard: Tortoise Shell, 50s J-45 Shape •TrussRod: Dual Action •Truss Rod Cover: 2-ply Bell with Slash Signature •Bridge Pins: Ivory •Strap Buttons: 2 - Side of Heel and Endpin Jack Electronics •Under Saddle Pickup: LR Baggs VTC •Controls: Soundhole mounted Volume and Tone •Output Jack: 1/4" Endpin Jack •Preamp: LR Baggs VTC Miscellaneous •Strings Gauge: .012 .016 .024 .032 .042 .053 •Case: Hardshell Case with Slash Skully Logo Included
Epiphone Slash J-45 Ak. Gitar med Koffert, Vermillion Burst
14 299 kr
1960s classic now with new ProBucker™ Bass humbuckers The Epiphone Thunderbird Vintage PRO Bass is an incredibly accurate reproduction of the classic electric bass first introduced in 1963 that has since powered dozens of hits by artists like The Who, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Cheap Trick. Featuring new ProBucker™ Bass Humbuckers and a vintage styled 60s Thunderbird Tune-o-matic bridge and Claw tailpiece. Available in Alpine White, Ebony, and Tobacco Sunburst. ProBucker™ humbucker Pickups The classic "P.A.F" sound is closer than you think Epiphone's ProBucker™ humbucker has quietly become one of the most talked about pickups in the industry. It has fooled experts, vintage purists, and even luthiers who have worked with the best vintage examples from the late 50s and early 60s. Epiphone ProBucker™ humbuckers are the real deal--made with 18% Nickel Silver unit bases and covers, the same alloy used by Gibson at the Kalamazoo factory when the humbucker was first invented. The use of Nickel Silver reduces the occurrence of eddy currents due to low conductivity and provides a more transparent and crisp output. The size and shape of the bobbins also has a great impact on tonal response. And the bobbins used on ProBucker™ pickups duplicate the size and shape of the gold standard in the industry, Gibson humbuckers. Epiphone ProBucker™ pickups also feature sand cast Alnico II magnets, high quality 4 conductor lead wire, and are vacuum wax potted to eliminate microphonics. -- Body Body Shape: Thunderbird Bass Body Material: Mahogany Body Wings Neck Material: 7-ply; Mahogany/Walnut Layered Profile: 1960's Rounded Bass Profile Fingerboard: Indian Laurel Inlays: Dot Joint: Glued in Hardware Finish: Nickel Tuner Plating: Nickel Bridge: 1960s TB-Bass Tune-o-matic; Adjustable Tailpiece: 1960s "Claw" Tailpiece Tuning Machines: Open-gear Bass Tuners with historic "Clover" buttons; 17:1 ratio Control Knobs: Gold Top Hats with Silver Inserts Pickup Covers: Nickel Electronics Neck Pickup: Epiphone ProBucker™ Bass #760 Humbucker Bridge Pickup: Epiphone ProBucker™ Bass #760 Humbucker Controls: Neck Volume, Bridge Volume, Master Tone Pickup Selector: 3-way Epiphone toggle
Epiphone Thunderbird Vintage Pro Bass Gitar, Alpine White "Rigget ved vårt verksted"
9 299 kr
Designed to be an all-in-one lighting package, this Equinox system includes a robust stand, road bag, foot controller and 4 multi-colour LED Par panels fitted to a powered T-bar. The multidirectional par panels create a multitude of effects and are independently adjustable for maximum room or stage coverage. The foot controller gives instant and simple control over several control modes. With the convenience and ease of fast set-up and take-down this system is ideal for mobile entertainers. Features: - 4 x 30W tri-colour COB LEDs (RGB) - Beam angle: 95° - Beam angle with supplied lens: 30° - 30° - 1,120 Lux @ 2m (per par, full on), 95° - 191 Lux @ 2m (per par, full on) - DMX channels: 1/3/7/12 or 16 selectable - Auto, sound active and master/slave modes plus built-in programs - 0-100% dimming and variable strobe - 4 push button menu with LED digital display - 3-Pin XLR input/output - 5-Pin input for included foot controller - IEC power input - 2 x IEC power outputs (unswitched) - Height adjustable stand included - Carry bag included - All metal design - Convection cooled Specifications - Power consumption: 130W - Power supply: 100~240V, 50/60Hz - Fuse: F3A 250V - Stand height: 1340mm - 2100mm - Dimensions of bar: 235 x 990 x 90mm - Dimensions of foot controller: 40 x 320 x 140mm - Weight: 12.5kg
EQUINOX Gigabar COB System Lyspakke 4 x 30W RGB LED. Stativ og bag inkludert med Kagu Adapter
7 295 kr