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NUX Horseman Overdrive Pedal Two in One Overdrive Pedal Gold and Silver modes: 2 independent pedal sound in one mini stomp box Optional: Tryebypass/Buffer bypass Power: 9V Negative Tip One of the most sought-after dual overdrive pedals produced in the mid '90s is now in one unique pedal design-with a pocket size. NUX Horseman pays homage to the legendary Centaur pedal. There are 3 dials for primary settings and 2 modes: Gold and Silver, and it offers massive headway usually requiring an 18v input. Gold Mode mimics its classic predecessor; the transparent Gold Centaur overdrive pedal and the Silver Mode is a powered-up version with an extended gain range (Silver Centaur). NUX Unique Design The sound is based on the Centaur's voltage converter circuit. But the Horseman's characteristic design is crafted with a built-in OP-AMP voltage-converter driving the 18V to OP-AMP. Higher voltage-supply orders-up more harmonics, and convincingly reproduces the sound of this unique pedal Clean Boost Another “classic” way to use the NUX Horseman. Very useful when used in combination with the amplifiers drive channel (or any other drive pedal). And, depending on the Gain - Output adjustment, it lets the Horseman be used as a clean boost. Dial-up a low-gain with a high output setting, and it adds mostly volume and minimal color to your sound. Natural Distortion Additionally, the controls can be set to distort the sound signal in the pedal, where two Schottky diodes can perform a waveform clipping. ( The germanium diodes are discontinued, we especially select the Schottky diodes to replicate the waveform clipping ) The "gain" knob is a double potentiometer (a "dual-ganged gain pot"), which controls bass and middle frequencies. Treble and volume are each controlled with separate knobs. True/Buffer Bypass NUX Horseman has an optional bypass mode. You can use the pedal in True Bypass mode to keep your signal untouched when the pedal is OFF in the chain. We highly recommend to select buffer bypass mode if you have more than 4 pedals connected together; switch to Buffer Bypass mode and there will be no signal loss in your pedal chain! Push and hold the footswitch and power-up the pedal; the LED indicator will show which bypass mode is activated; RED - True Bypass / GREEN - Buffer Bypass.
Nux NOD-1 Horseman Overdrive Pedal
895 kr
Bumblebee Manageable Pedalboard NPB-L (Large size): 243(L)x 445(W)x 90(H)mm 8 platform bars Weight: 2,30kg Weight w/bag: 3,60kg Create Your Own Pedalboard Designed with the experience of crafting pedals for more than 10 years. NUX Bumblebee offers you the optimum board space. Allowing you to customize your very own pedalboard in the most efficient way. You can assemble the platforms in order the way you like. Solid, Durable and Light-weight NUX Bumblebee is made by anodized aluminum material; which is "solid as a rock, light as a pillow". The bottom of the platforms are carved and well-supported, and gives you some space to cover your cables without losing any strength. And the side parts are strongly holds all the parts together, it can absorb the shock when you hit your pedal footswitch. Organize Everything There are cable organizers in the box. You can attach to below any platform and it can hold the cables. Easy to organize all the cables and it helps you to save your time when you want to replace or re-organize your pedals. There are 2 ways to use the cable organizers; you can use the clips and attach the cables, and you can use it as a holder and cables can cross inside the organizers. Handle With Care NUX Bumblebee pedalboard have 2 models; Bumblebee L and Bumblebee M. You can choose depending on how many pedals you want to mount on it. And, it comes with a light-weight carrying bag made from water repellent material. The pedalboard bag is water-resistant, it could protect your pedals in some humid areas even small rain.. For the NPB-L front bag, you could even put a 15" macbook pro into it. Smart Design If you are using any control pedal (like MIDI controller or NUX Cerberus), you can design the platform layers with enough space to switch the cables easily. You can put your power supply between the layers, it's very protective. A Versatile Hand Carry Bag Solution For The Travelling Musicians Both of the Bumblebee pedalboards (NPB-M and NPB-L) can fit in a 22-inch luggage, which is allowed to take as a hand carry bag during the flight. But please keep in mind that, airline companies may ask you to give your hand carry bag to the cargo unit if there is not enough space in the plane. This is a 22-inch luggage and Bumblebee NPB-L pedalboard with full of pedals, still there is a lot of space for accessories, cables or any other stuff etc. Included Accessories; Bag strap, Dual lock Hook&Loop Cable Organizer
Nux NPB-L Bumblebee Pedalboard med Bærebag, Stor
1 695 kr
NUX Bubmlebee Pedalboard NPB-M NPB-M( Medium size): 243(L)x 445(W)x 90(H)mm 6 platform bars Weight: 1,70+-0,5kgkg Weight w/bag: 280kg Create Your Own Pedalboard Designed with the experience of crafting pedals for more than 10 years. NUX Bumblebee offers you the optimum board space. Allowing you to customize your very own pedalboard in the most efficient way. You can assemble the platforms in order the way you like. Solid, Durable and Light-weight NUX Bumblebee is made by anodized aluminum material; which is "solid as a rock, light as a pillow". The bottom of the platforms are carved and well-supported, and gives you some space to cover your cables without losing any strength. And the side parts are strongly holds all the parts together, it can absorb the shock when you hit your pedal footswitch. Organize Everything There are cable organizers in the box. You can attach to below any platform and it can hold the cables. Easy to organize all the cables and it helps you to save your time when you want to replace or re-organize your pedals. There are 2 ways to use the cable organizers; you can use the clips and attach the cables, and you can use it as a holder and cables can cross inside the organizers. Handle With Care NUX Bumblebee pedalboard have 2 models; Bumblebee L and Bumblebee M. You can choose depending on how many pedals you want to mount on it. And, it comes with a light-weight carrying bag made from water repellent material. Smart Design If you are using any control pedal (like MIDI controller or NUX Cerberus), you can design the platform layers with enough space to switch the cables easily. You can put your power supply between the layers, it's very protective. A Versatile Hand Carry Bag Solution For The Travelling Musicians Both of the Bumblebee pedalboards (NPB-M and NPB-L) can fit in a 22-inch luggage, which is allowed to take as a hand carry bag during the flight. But please keep in mind that, airline companies may ask you to give your hand carry bag to the cargo unit if there is not enough space in the plane. This is a 22-inch luggage and Bumblebee NPB-L pedalboard with full of pedals, still there is a lot of space for accessories, cables or any other stuff etc.
Nux NPB-M Bumblebee Pedalboard med Bærebag
1 395 kr
Bumblebee Small Med NUX Bumblebee-serien kan du designe ditt eget pedalbrett, og den lette vekten er perfekt for deg som er opptatt av at brettet skal være lett å bære med seg. De 6 inkluderte hyllene kan du selv arrangere som du vil. Med over 10 års erfaring med å designe pedaler og tilbehør, lanserer NUX nå Bumblebee-serien. De er laget av anodisert aluminium, og er dermed "solide som fjell, men lette som en fjær". Den solide konstruksjonen gjør at både hyllene og sidene tåler å brukes, slik at du ikke trenger å være bekymret når du tråkker på pedalene dine. Hvis du bruker større kontroll-pedaler som MIDI-kontrollere eller NUX Cerberus o.l., er det ikke noe problem - den modulære tolagskonstruksjonen sørger for nok plass til kabler, strømforsyning osv. Inkludert er også en praktisk bæreveske med reim, 3M "Dual Lock" borrelåsteip, og kabelholdere. Bærevesken er kompakt nok (også på M- og L-modellene) til at den kan medbringes som håndbagasje på fly i visse tilfeller (undersøk med flyselskapet hvis du er i tvil). - Dimensjoner (mm): 310 (bredde) x 243 (dybde) x 90 (høyde) - Nettovekt: 1,3kg - Vekt m/bæreveske: 2,1kg
Nux NPB-S Bumblebee Pedalboard med Bærebag, Small
1 195 kr
Mini Studio NUX Mini Studio IR Loader gir deg lyden av 8 ulike forsterkerkabinetter, i lommestørrelse. Lydene er tatt opp fra ekte kabinetter med Impulse Response (IR)-teknologi, og plasseres sist i signalkjeden, der et gitarkabinett ville vært. Helt uten tunge løft! Innebygde kabinettmodeller:* JZ120 (Roland Jazz 120) DR112 (Fender Deluxe Reverb) BS410 (Fender Bassman 410) A212 (VOX AC30 212) TR212 (Fender Twin Reverb 212) 1960 (Marshall 1960A 412) GB412 (Celestion Greenback 412) V412 (Celestion Vintage30 412) Hver modell kan også byttes ut med dine egne IR-filer, så du kan potensielt ha 8 egendefinerte kabinetter i lomma. Oppløsningen på egne filer er 1024 samples. Med "SPACE"-knotten kan du justere størrelsen på rommet det simulerte kabinettet befinner seg i, for ekstra realisme. Det er også inkludert 8 bass-kabinetter, og 8 kabinetter for el-akustisk gitar. For å skifte mellom disse funksjonene holder du fotbryteren nedtrykt i 2 sekunder. Funksjoner: - IR-innlasting for gitar/bass/el-akustisk gitar - Perfekt for studio, scene eller øving - Kan kobles rett i lydkort for opptak av fullverdig gitarlyd Tekniske spesifikasjoner: - 24-bit, 44.1kHz sample-rate - 1024 samples/23ms-oppløsning - Forsinkelse: < 2ms - Strøm: 9VDC - Dimensjoner (mm): 51 (bredde) x 94 (dybde) x 53 (høyde) - Nettovekt: 174g *All the brand and model names mentioned on this page are Trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with NUX and Cherub Technology CO. LTD.
Nux NSS-3 Mini Studio Amp Simulator Pedal
1 029 kr
ANALOG CHORUS The NUX ANALOG CHORUS pedal from the Reissue Series brings bacK the legendary chorus sound when most guitar tracks had Chorus effect.Thanks to its pure analog Bucket-Brigade circuit, he NUX ANALOGCHORUS pedal offers you authentic Chorus effects from warm subtle shimmer to near-vibrato wobbles. OVERVIEW Vintage Analog Chorus Effect Pure Analog Bucket-Brigade Circuit True-bypass Hardware Switching -- Specifications Input impedance 1M Ohms Output impedance 10K Ohms Current draw <20 mA Power 9V battery or external AC adaptor delivering 9V DC regulated minimum 300mA Dimensions 121(L) X 77(W) X 48(D) mm Weight 230g
Nux REISSUE Analog Chorus Pedal
645 kr
ANALOG DELAY The NUX ANALOG DELAY pedal from the Reissue Series has 100% analogue circuit with 3205 and 3102 BBD chips.It gives you the warm sounding analog delay effect from the 80's. Experiment the effect by turning up the repeat and tweaking the DELAY TIME knob! OVERVIEW Vintage Analog Delay Effect Pure Analog Bucket-Bridgade Circuit True-bypass Hardware Switching -- Specifications Current draw < 20 mA Input impedance 1M Ohms Output impedance 10K Ohms Power 9V battery or external AC adaptor delivering 9V DC regulated minimum 300mA Dimensions 121(L) X 77(W) X 48(D) mm Weight 230g
Nux REISSUE Analog Delay Pedal
675 kr
NUX Steel Singer The NUX STEEL SINGER DRIVE pedal from the Reissue Series is an overdrive pedal with the tonal character of the famous boutique amp from California. It has very smooth high end and sweet mid-range. Whether used as main overdrive or in conjunction with a guitar amp, he NUX STEEL SINGER DRIVE pedal is going to make your guitar sing! OVERVIEW Pure Analog Circuit Warm and Natural Tube Overdrvie Tone True-bypass Hardwar Switching - Specifications Input impedance 1M Ohms Output impedance 10K Ohms Current draw <20 mA Power 9V battery or external AC adaptor delivering 9V DC regulated minimum 300mA Dimensions 121(L) X 77(W) X 48(D) mm Weight 230g
Nux REISSUE Steel Singer Drive Pedal
498 kr
Nux WAC-001 Daisy Chain
87 kr
Nøkkelring Flygel
110 kr
Nå er Det Jul Igjen
215 kr
lever switch 3-way, bolts included, no cap 1 5/8" bolt spacing, made in USA 4,8 mm blade
Oak Grigsby SW-OAK-3 3-veis Bryter "CRL" Vintage Fender
230 kr
250K audio potentiometer, standard length bushing .375", 3/8" diameter Value: Typically 250K pots are used for single coil pickups and 500K pots for humbucker pickups. The bigger the resistence value, the brighter the sound will be/ less highs will bleed off. 1MEG can be used to make humbuckers sound brighter. Taper: The taper of a pot refers to the way its resistance changes as the shaft is rotated. A linear taper pot will work in a linear way related to shaft rotation. As the human ear is not linear in response to increasing volume an audio or logarithmic pot will work best for volume applications. Shaft: A split, knurled shaft will hold most knobs. Sometimes the knob is mounted using a set screw. You should order a solid shaft pot, or align the set screw with the split for correct mounting. Bushing: The standard bushing diameter is 3/8" or 9,5mm, used in most made in USA guitars. Another industry standard is M8, as used by guitar builders outside of the USA. When space is limited mini pots are used with a shaft diameter of 7mm. The standard bushing length is .375" for inch type pots and 10mm for metric type pots. Using two nuts it is very easy to set the correct bushing length for knob placement. Specially for pickguard (ST, PB) or control plate mount (TE, JB) the .250" short bushing will fit perfectly using only one nut. For use with a thick or carved top (LP USA) you should order a bushing length of .750". CTS is (and has been since the 50's) a factory standard for most USA brands like Fender and Gibson. Alpha is a good alternative, nowadays used as a factory standard by Ibanez, Epiphone and Squier.
Oak Grigsby SW-OAK-5 5-veis Bryter "CRL" Vintage Fender
229 kr
Oasis UK String S/C/T DBL SET Bright High G The first thing you will notice about Oasis Fluorocarbon Ukulele strings is their length (63"). This length is at least twice as long as the length needed to string a concert, soprano or tenor ukulele. Cut the string in half with a scissors and you have two sets of strings. Use one set now and save one for later, or use the second set on another ukulele. Working with a leading ukulele internet forum Oasis have developed two types of strings: warm or bright. Either type is available with either a high or low G string. The high G string is fluorocarbon while the low G is nylon core with copper/silver wrapped wire. The string specifications are listed below: UKE 8000 bright with high G A/1st. 0215", E/2nd .027", C/3rd .030", G/4th . 023" with enough length for two ukuleles.
Oasis GPX Ukulele Strenger S/C/T DBL Set, Bright, High G
149 kr
Oasis OH-21 Humidifier, Kontrabass
265 kr
Opus Blå, For nybegynnere
239 kr
Opus Rød, For litt øvede
239 kr
Crush Acoustic 30 Black 30W forsterkerkombo med batteridrift for akustisk gitar, svart vinyl Nya Orange Crush Acoustic 30 är en smidig och välljudande förstärkar-combo på 30 watt för akustisk gitarr och sång, som kan drivas på såväl batteri som nätström. Den är bestyckad med 1x8" högtalare och har två kanaler, reverb, chorus, notch filter för att eliminera rundgång, balanserad line out, aux in för extern ljudkälla och effektretur. Den har två kanaler, instrument och mikrofon, där kanal 1 är en ren instrumentkanal med 3-bands EQ och en Color switch som adderar lite topp och mid-scoop. Kanal 2 har XLR/Tele kombo-ingång vilken kan användas som en extra gitarrkanal eller för en sångmikrofon, med 2-bands EQ. Här finns även +48V Phantom power för kondensator-mikrofoner. Den vinklade lådan gör det mycket enkelt att få en bra lyssningsposition oavsett om man sitter eller står och spelar. Den tillverkas klädd i klassisk orange vinyl och det finns även en version i svart vinyl. Orange Crush Acoustic 30 är perfekt för små intima gig, fester både utomhus och inomhus, gatumusikanter och som hemma-förstärkare. _____ With over 50 years of experience in great guitar tone and quality, the Crush Acoustic 30 is Orange’s first entry into the world of Acoustic Amplification. At ease in any situation: the lightweight, portable, battery powered acoustic combo continues the Orange traditions of simple but versatile design. The Crush Acoustic 30 is designed to clearly project sound with its angled construction and 30 Watts of power. The two channels and built in reverb and chorus across both channels and the global notch filter can be used to efficiently to precisely combat feedback, leaving you to concentrate on your performance. Whether you busk, play stages, practice at home or all of the above, the Crush Acoustic 30 has you covered, leaving you free to work your magic. Channel 1 – Instrument Channel Dedicated to your acoustic guitar, this channel has a pad switch to take off 10dB off to maintain a clean signal for higher output instruments. The 3-band EQ allows quick changes to your sound and the colour switch boosts presence and slightly cuts the midrange frequencies. Channel 2 – Mic Channel With an XLR input this channel can be used as a second guitar input or separate microphone input, phantom power is switchable as is the mic/line. Global Effects The Crush Acoustic comes with Reverb and Chorus which can be blended between the two channels. The notch filter adjusts the frequency of a narrow-Q filter, to remove frequencies that can help to combat feedback. 30 Watts and Voice of the World 8" Acoustic Speaker The 8" Voice of the World speaker is designed especially for the Crush Acoustic, delivering 30 Watts of power to ensure you are heard loud and clear. Aux-In The 3.5mm Aux-In can be used to plug an MP3 or other similar audio device, allowing you to play along to backing tracks. Battery Powered The Crush Acoustic 30 is the perfect amp to use on the go, the battery compartment takes 10 x AA batteries and gives you 3 hours of power at full volume, 5 hours at 50% volume and 8 hours at low volume. The Crush Acoustic 30 can be powered by the supplied DC adaptor, when connected the batteries are disconnected.
Orange Crush Acoustic 30 Gitarforsterker, Black
4 090 kr
Orange FS-1 Footswitch Fotomkopplare, envägs, för Orange-förstärkare. The Orange FS-1 Footswitch is ruggedly built and connects to your amplifier via any standard instrument cable (not included). Compatible with: - Crush 20, Crush 20RT & Crush 35RT (Channel) - Crush Pro Series (Channel or Reverb) - TH30 & TH100 (Channel) - Dual Terror (Channel) - AD30 (Channel) - OR 50 (Master Volume Defeat) - Custom Shop 50 (EQ Lift – Note: the LED will not illuminate as the Custom Shop uses passive switching circuitry) - Rockerverb (Reverb or Channel) - Thunderverb (Reverb or Channel) - Dual Dark (Channel or Attenuator) - OR100H (Channel or Gain Boost or Global Boost) - OB1-300 & OB1-500 (Blend Control)
Orange Footswitch, 1 Way
325 kr
The PPC112 is one of the most popular 1×12" cabinets on the market today, and with good reason. Its closed-back, 18mm birch plywood enclosure is slightly bigger than a conventional 1×12. This gives the PPC112 a greater internal volume for a fatter tone with excellent projection. Housing a single Celestion Vintage 30 speaker, the cabinet also features our unique skid runners on the base to acoustically couple the cabinets to the stage to improve low end responsiveness. For lower wattage heads like our Terror Series or the OR15, the PPC112 is an excellent choice.
Orange PPC112 Gitar Høyttalerkabinett, 1x12” Celestion Vintage 30
3 880 kr
- Classic shape, size 12 - Indiviudally packaged for hygiene -Special finish in matt - Incl. playing instructions and history of the Jew's harp
Orginal Schwarz Munnharpe Nr.12, "Ny Model Individuelt Pakket"
199 kr
- Classic shape, size 8 - Indiviudally packaged for hygiene -Special finish in matt - Incl. playing instructions and history of the Jew's harp
Orginal Schwarz Munnharpe Nr.8, "Ny Model Individuelt Pakket"
195 kr
Origo Altsax Rørhette, Plast
35 kr
Origo B-Klarinett Ligatur / Rørklemme, Nikkel
110 kr
Origo B-Klarinett Rørhette, Plast
35 kr
Origo Tenorsax Ligatur, Lakk
120 kr
Ortega Eliminator Series Feedback Eliminator/ Soundhole Cover - ELIMINATOR100. For Westerngitar og akustisk bass. Bare plasser Eliminator i lydhullet på din akustiske gitar, og feedback problemene er løst. Designet for å kunne spille med stort volum på scenen uten risiko for uønsket feedback. Trygt for instrumentets finish på grunn av den myke gummidesignen. • Enkel installering. • 100mm / 4" diameter. • Feedbackfri spilling med høyere volum. • Passer de fleste stålstrengsgitarer og akustiske basser. • Laget i myk gummi.
Ortega ELIMINATOR100 Feedback Eliminator 100mm Western Gitar
149 kr
Ortega Eliminator Series Feedback Eliminator/ Soundhole Cover - ELIMINATOR86. For klassisk gitar. Bare plasser Eliminator i lydhullet på din akustiske gitar, og feedback problemene er løst. Designet for å kunne spille med stort volum på scenen uten risiko for uønsket feedback. Trygt for instrumentets finish på grunn av den myke gummidesignen. • Enkel installering. • 86mm / 3,38" diameter. • Feedbackfri spilling med høyere volum. • Passer de fleste nylonstrengsgitarer. • Laget i myk gummi.
Ortega ELIMINATOR86 Feedback Eliminator 86mm Klassisk Gitar
149 kr
K-2 serien ur Ortegas Keiki serie är fullstora ukuleles som kommer i ett paket med stämapparat, axelband, väska och plektrum. Varje modell har en design av gatukonstnären Guglielmo Gasloli. - Specifikationer: • Sopran ukulele. • Skala: 364mm. • 36mm bredd vid översadel. • Agathis topp med custom design. • ABS sidor och bakstycke. • Okoume hals. • ABS greppbräda och stall. • Open gear mekaniker. • Väska, plektrum, axelband och stämapparat medföljer.
Ortega K2-EM Keiki Sopran Ukulele Pakke, El Muerto
940 kr
K-2 serien ur Ortegas Keiki serie är fullstora ukuleles som kommer i ett paket med stämapparat, axelband, väska och plektrum. Varje modell har en design av gatukonstnären Guglielmo Gasloli. - Specifikationer: • Sopran ukulele. • Skala: 364mm. • 36mm bredd vid översadel. • Agathis topp med custom design. • ABS sidor och bakstycke. • Okoume hals. • ABS greppbräda och stall. • Open gear mekaniker. • Väska, plektrum, axelband och stämapparat medföljer.
Ortega K2-TM Keiki Sopran Ukulele Pakke, Totem
895 kr
LIZZY-BS-GB Ortega Akustisk bas m.mik, Lizard Series. I Ortegas sortiment hittar du ett stort sortiment av akustiska basar i olika utföranden. 4 och 5-strängade, med lång eller kort mensur, en del med inbyggd pickup/preamp system, i olika träslag, finishar och färger, även vänster-modeller. Alla levereras med Deluxe gigbag och axelband. Lizard Series har en extra kort mensur, MagusUkebass preamp/pickup system och är i matt mahogny finish. Specification: • Scale: 510mm. • 45mm width at nut. • Mahogany top, satin finish. • Mahogany back & side, sain finish. • Mahogany neck, gloss finish. • Rosewood fretboard & bridge. • Black ABS binding/white pufling.. • Ortega MagufUkebass preamp/pickup system. • 2 way truss rod. • 15 frets. • Aquila Thundergut Ukebass strings short scale. • FREE Deluxe gigbag & Nylon strap included. • Finish: Satin Mahogany.
Ortega LIZZY-BS-GB Bass Ukulele med Mik og Preamp, Gigbag og Reim
4 395 kr
Ortega Wood Base Guitar/ Bass Wall Hanger - OGH-1CW. Natur Kirsebær Tre ---- Veggoppheng for gitar og bass som gjør at instrumentet henger flatt mot veggen. Bakstykke i tre og med myk polstring på opphengspunktet. Monteringsskruer medfølger.
Ortega OGH-1CW Gitar Veggstativ, Trebase, Kirsebær Tre
159 kr
Ortega Wood Base Guitar/ Bass Wall Hanger - OGH-1. Black. ---- Veggoppheng for gitar og bass som gjør at instrumentet henger flatt mot veggen. Bakstykke i tre og med myk polstring på opphengspunktet. Monteringsskruer medfølger.
Ortega OGH-1 Gitar Veggstativ, Trebase, Sort
150 kr
Ortega Economy Series Standard Gig Bag for Baritone Ukulele - OUBSTD-BA. Standard bag i kraftig nylon og med 10mm polstring. Bagen har to justerbare skulderreimer og utvendig tilbehørslomme. • Passer Baritone Ukulele. • Total lengde: 78cm / 30,71". • Skala: 485mm / 19,09". • Laget av kraftig nylon og med 10mm poltsring. • Justerbare skulderreimer og utvendig lomme. • Farge: Sort.
Ortega OUBSTD-BA Gigbag Standard Baritone Ukulele
325 kr
Professionell ukulele gigbag tillverkad i kraftigt nylonmaterial. Tjock stoppning och med extra kraftiga dragkejor. Innermått: 62 cm / 24,41''.
Ortega OUGB-CC Concert Ukulele Deluxe Gigbag
475 kr
Ortega OWGS-1 Gitarstativ i Tre, Mørk Brun
569 kr
Ortega OWGS-2 Gitarstativ i Tre, Natur
569 kr
Ortega Wooden Ukulele Stand - OWUS-1. Dark Brown. Det perfekte stativet for ditt hjem, øvingsrom eller kontor. Ukulelestativet er laget av bjørk, og er like vakkert som det er støttende. Leveres med myk "sklisikker" polstring for best beskyttelse. Enkel montering takket være forborede skruehull. • Ukulele Stativ. • Laget i bjørk. • Myk "antiskli" polstring. • Enkel montering. • Farge: Mørk brun.
Ortega OWUS-1 Ukulelestativ i Tre, Mørk Brun
385 kr
R122 Ortega nylonsträngad gitarr, Family Series. Ortega klassiska gitarrer kombinerar traditionell spansk design med modern gitarrteknologi. I det stora modellprogrammet erbjuds modeller i flera storlekar, halsbredder, träslag, finishar och vissa med pickup. De flesta Ortega gitarrer har 2-vägs justerstång i halsen och samtliga levereras med en Deluxe gigbag eller etui. Specification: • Full size. • Scale: 650mm. • 52mm width at nut. • Cedar top, satin finish. • Mahogany back & sides, satin finish. • Mahogany neck, satin finish. • Walnut fretboard & bridge. • Ortega 12 hole bridge. • 2-way truss rod. • FREE Deluxe gigbag included. • Satin finish.
Ortega R122 Klassisk Gitar med Deluxe Gigbag
3 395 kr
Ortega Family Series Pro Classical Guitar, Solid Top - R55BFT. Bourbon Fade. Ortega klassiske gitarer kombinerer spansk design med moderne gitarteknologi. I det store modellutvalget tilbys modeller i flere størrelser, halsbredder, treslag, finisher og modeller med pickup. • Full size. • Scale: 650mm. • 52mm width at nut. • Solid Engelmann spruce top, Bourbon Fade satin finish. • Catalpa back & sides, Bourbon Fade satin finish. • Black ABS binding. • Nato neck, satin finish. • Walnut fretboard & bridge. • Ortega 12 hole bridge. • 2-way truss rod.
Ortega R55BFT Klassisk Gitar, Bevel Cut, Bourbon Fade
3 395 kr
RPPC44. Ortega klassisk gitarr 3/4, Pickers Pack. Ortega Pickers Pack gitarrpaket är perfekt för nybörjare och studenter. Gitarren kommer i en kartong med allt du behöver för att sätta igång och spela. RPPC34. Ortega klassisk gitarr 3/4, Pickers Pack. Ortega Pickers Pack gitarrpaket är perfekt för nybörjare och studenter. Gitarren kommer i en kartong med allt du behöver för att sätta igång och spela. Paketet innehåller: 3/4 nylonsträngad gitarr, Bag, Stämapparat, Gitarrställ, Axelband, Plektrum och ett extra strängset. Specifikationer: Mensur: 590 mm / 23,23'' Sadelbredd: 45 mm. Lock: Gran, blank finish. Rygg & sidor: Catalpa, blank finish: Hals: Mahogny, blank finish. Greppbräda & stall: Valnöt.
Ortega RPPC34 Pickers Pack Klassisk Gitar 3/4 med Diverse Utstyr
2 699 kr
RPPC44. Ortega klassisk gitarr 4/4, Pickers Pack. Ortega Pickers Pack gitarrpaket är perfekt för nybörjare och studenter. Gitarren kommer i en kartong med allt du behöver för att sätta igång och spela. Paketet innehåller: 4/4 Fullstor nylonsträngad gitarr, Bag, Stämapparat, Gitarrställ, Axelband, Plektrum och ett extra strängset. Specifikationer: Mensur: 650 mm / 25,59'' Sadelbredd: 52 mm. Lock: Gran, blank finish. Rygg & sidor: Catalpa, blank finish: Hals: Mahogny, blank finish. Greppbräda & stall: Valnöt.
Ortega RPPC44 Pickers Pack Klassisk Gitar 4/4 med Diverse Utstyr
2 695 kr
RRA-SRT. Ortega klassisk gitarr, Parlor body, Ranger Series. Stained Red Top. Ortega kombinerar traditionell spansk design med modern gitarrteknologi. Ranger Series har färglackerad gloss top och finns i fyra färger (Platinum, Black, Red och Ocean Blue), 2-vägs justerstång i halsen och 12-hole bridge. Levereras med en färgmatchande gigbag med ryggsäcksremmar och extra fack. Specification: • Parlor body. • Full scale: 630mm. • 52mm width at nut. • Spruce top, gloss finish. • Mahogany back & sides, dark stain, gloss finish. • Ivory body binding. • Nato neck, dark stain. gloss finish. • Walnut fretboard & bridge. • White pearl "bars" fretboard inlays. • 2-way truss rod. • Gold tuning nachines w/white buttons. • FREE gigbag included
Ortega RRA-SRT Klassisk Gitar med GigBag, Parlor Kropp, Ranger, Stained Red
3 595 kr
Den nye Americana serien blander det tradisjonelle utseendet og følelsen med det moderne, akkurat som dens musikalske røtter. Resonator gitaren har en distinkt kon-resonator integrert som gir gitaren dens karakteristiske overtonerike twang lyd. På modellene med magnetiske Lipstick pickuper er det også egen volum- og tonekontroll. Parlor størrelsen på gitarkroppen er typisk for de tradisjonsbaserte resonatorgitarene. • Scale: 628mm/24,72".. • 43mm width at nut. • Mahogany Top, Distressed Satin Black finish. • Mahogany Back & Sides, Distressed Satin Black finish. • Mahogany Neck, Distressed Satin Black finish. • Blackwood Fretboard. • Lipstick pickup (passive), volume & tone. • Aluminum Cone Resonator. • Maple / Ebony Bridge. • 2-way Truss Rod. • Strings 012 - 053. • Satin finish.
Ortega RRG40CE-DBK Resonator Gitar, Americana Serie, Cutaway med Mik., Dist. Black "Verksted Rigget"
6 895 kr
RUEB-CC. Consert Ukulele med gigbag. Enten du bare spiller for hjemmebruk eller opptrer i profesjonelle sammenhenger, har Ortega en ukulele for deg. I det brede spekteret av Sopran, Consert, Tenor og Baritone ukuleler, tilbys de i ulik design, uten eller med Ortega's MagusUke preamp / mik system. Specs: • Consert ukulele. • Skala: 380mm. • 36 mm bredde ved oversadel. • Ebony lokk, Satin Open Pore finish. • Ebony bunn og sider, Satin Open Pore finish. • Mahogni hals, Satin finish. • Tortoise style rosette. • Walnut Fretboard & Bridge. • Die Cast stemmemekanikk, Gull. • Ortega strenger. • GRATIS Deluxe gigbag medfølger.
Ortega RUEB-CC Concert Sopran Ukulele med Deluxe Gigbag, Natur
1 998 kr
Enten du bare spiller for hjemmebruk eller opptrer i profesjonelle sammenhenger, har Ortega en ukulele for deg. I det brede spekteret av Sopran, Consert, Tenor og Baritone ukuleler, tilbys de i ulike design, uten eller med Ortega's MagusUke preamp/mik system. Flere av modellene leveres også med en Deluxe gigbag. Ortega nye HORIZON SERIES er det perfekte valget for den moderne ukulele-spilleren. Med 4-in-line reversert headstock vil hver ukulele i serien bli et blikkfang på scenen eller i øvingsrommet. Total Satin finish gir en perfekt følelse og spillbarhet. Spesifikasjon: • Consert ukulele. • Skala: 376mm. • 35 mm bredde ved sadelen. • Walnut topp, satin finish. • Walnut bakstykke og sider, satin finish. • Reversert headstock 4 på linje. • Okoume hals, satin finish. • Tecwood fretboard og bridge. • Die-cast stemmemekanikk, gull m/svarte knapper. • Ortega strenger. • GRATIS Deluxe gigbag medfølger.
Ortega RUWN Concert Sopran Ukulele med Deluxe GigBag, Horizon, Walnut
2 260 kr
Osram 64745 Pære, 1000W, GX9,5, 230V
385 kr
- Solid AA-grade sitka-spruce top - Center soundhole with inlaid Ovation - Perloid Oak Leaf rosette - Mid-depth-Cutaway Lyrachord® bowl, for Europa in the special “vintage-brown” version - 5-part Mahogany/Maple neck, Walnut headstock plate - Pao Ferro fingerboard, 20 frets, walnut bridge - Scale 642 mm, nut width 42.8 mm - Pearl dot/Diamond inlays - Glen Campbell Signature on headstock plate - White body binding, 7-part purflings - OCP-1K pickup, Vintage SKM preamp (Single Knob Mono FET) with volume control - Die-cast Ovation machine head, chrome-plated - Factory fitted strings: ADAMAS NUOVA COATED Phosphor-Bronze 1818NU Light .012-.053 - With Ovation gig bag VG-2
Ovation 1771VL1GC Legend Glenn Campbell Signature El.Akustisk Gitar med Cutaway og Gigbag
14 695 kr
Ovation 6-STG Preamp Tone/Volume til Glenn Campell Signatur Gitar
3 425 kr
Selected precious wood top; scalloped, quartersawn X-Bracing Center Soundhole Mid-depth Lyrachord® Body Nato neck, ovangkol binding on fingerboard and bridge Scale 643mm, nut width 42.8mm Abalone-Rosette and Dot-Inlays Ovation CP-100 Slimline Pickup, OP-4CT Preamp with tuner Edition 2024 Abalone inlay on the 12th fret Black body binding, multi-piece purfling Diecast Ovation tuners, anthracite Limited edition
Ovation CS24P-BLFL-G Celeberty Standard Plus Ak. Gitar, Blue Flamed Maple "Verksted Rigget"
7 895 kr
Solid spruce top; scalloped, quartersawn X-Bracing - Center Soundhole - Mid-depth Lyrachord® Body - Nato neck, ovangkol fingerboard and bridge - Scale 643 mm, nut width 42.8 mm - Perloid-Rosette and Dot-Inlays - Ivory coloured body binding, multi-part purfling - Diecast machine head, chrome - Ovation CP-100 Slimline Pickup, OP-4CT Preamp with tuner
Ovation CS-24-RR-G El.Akustisk Gitar Celebrity CS Standard Mid Cutaway
6 730 kr
Very sturdy High quality Cordura 20 mm high-density foam padding All load-bearing parts extra padded and reinforced Tear-resistant and water-repellent Waterproof zips NPS (Neck Protection System) neck rest Lint-free honeycomb lining Sewn-in protection for machine head, bridge and back area Comfortable soft grip padding Fully lined, adjustable, firmly sewn-on luxury backpack straps Large music pocket + smaller accessory pocket Hanging ring on back Shock absorber
Ovation Gitar Gigbag, Standard, Deep Bowl / Mid-depth + 12 strengs, Rounback
995 kr
Thermo-treated, solid A-grade spruce top Scalloped X-Bracing Center Soundhole Mid-depth Lyrachord®, Non-Cutaway bowl 2-piece khaya neck Indian Laurel fingerboard and bridge, 20 frets Scale length 641.35mm, nut width 42.8 mm "Fleur de nuit" motif rosette and inlay at the 12th fret ABS body binding, multi-part purfling, fingerboard binding Environmentally friendly, extremely thinly applied UV lacquer finish, metallic effect Diecast Ovation machine heads with ABS buttons OCP-2000 pickup, K-21CT preamp with tuner With soft case
Ovation Ultra El/Ak Gitar, Pro Series, Mid Depth Non-Cutaway, Pitch Black
10 595 kr
Paradetromme Bandolær, Side, Hvit
1 370 kr
Bilde er kun ment som illustrasjon av modell - Just 10 inches in length when closed, this umbrella is both practical easy to carry either in your bag or with its own carry strap. The fabric is white and covered with a black sheet music design and when not being used, the umbrella fits neatly into a matching pouch.
Paraply Sammenleggbar, Mini Reise, Noter "Singing in the rain", Hvit
335 kr
- Telecast de luxe model 25,2 x 9,3 mm - Fixed from outside with 2 screws - Not suitable for Switchcraft sockets
Partsland El.Gitar Jackinntak Plate, Telecaster Deluxe Model
105 kr
- SPSS-switch, 2-pole, 6 pins, on-off-on
Partsland Switch Mini Lever Key, On-Off-On, Nikkel
77 kr
Passacaglia, Händel
299 kr
Pax Vobis er en samling av de mest etterspurte musikkstykkene til bruk i begravelser og bisettelser, eller som musikalske innslag i gudstjenester, kirkekonserter o.l. Alt er arrangert for fioling med orkelakkompagnement. Orgelstemmen er skrevet på dobbelt notesystem, av hensyn til de mange pianister som vikarierer for organister. Stykkene har også besifret akkompagnement. Finnes også hefter 2 og 3.
Pax Vobis 1, Fiolin/Orgel, Bogdan
299 kr
Pax Vobis er en samling av de mest etterspurte musikkstykkene til bruk i begravelser og bisettelser, eller som musikalske innslag i gudstjenester, kirkekonserter o.l. Alt er arrangert for fioling med orkelakkompagnement. Orgelstemmen er skrevet på dobbelt notesystem, av hensyn til de mange pianister som vikarierer for organister. Stykkene har også besifret akkompagnement. Finnes også hefter 1 og 3.
Pax Vobis 2, Fiolin/Orgel, Bogdan
299 kr