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Larsen Strings, Denmark are one of the world's leading string manufacturers. Aurora strings are new for 2021, which offer truly high-quality nylon core strings in the price range for student and advanced players for the very first time. With Larsen-knowledge, of course! Larsen Aurora strings A-, D, and G-strings with synthetic core, aluminium allow and wound with finest silver Warm, brillant sound without metallic overtones The entire range offers impressive string response and playing characteristics. 4/4 Violin, scale 325mm / 12.8“ E, Steel string with ballend, 4/4 Medium tension 7.8kg/17.2lbs, strong 7.4kg/18.5lbs A, plastic core with wound aluminium, 4/4 Medium tension 5.5kg/12.1lbs, strong 5.8kg/12.8lbs D Silver wound, plastic core with wound silver, 4/4 Medium tension 4.7kg/10.4lbs, strong 5.5kg/12.1lbs G Silver wound, plastic core with wound silver, 4/4 Medium tension 4.5kg/9.9lbs, strong 5.9kg/13.0lbs Set with D silver wound medium tension 22.5kg/49.6lbs, strong 25.6kg/56.4lbs
Larsen Aurora Violin Strenger, Sett 4/4 med Sølv D
625 kr
Made in Europe Larsen Aurora strings A-, D, and G-strings with synthetic core, aluminium allow and wound with finest silver Warm, brillant sound without metallic overtones The entire range offers impressive string response and playing characteristics. 4/4 violin, scale 325mm / 12.8" E steel, steel string with ball end, detachable, 4/4 TMedium tension 7.8kg/17.2lbs, strong 7.4kg/18.5lbs A, synthetic core wound with aluminum, 4/4 Medium tension 5.5kg/12.1lbs, strong 5.8kg/12.8lbs D Alu, synthetic core wound with aluminum, 4/4 Medium tension 4.2kg/9.2lbs, strong 5.4kg/11.9lbs D Silver wound, synthetic core wound with silver, 4/4 Medium tension 4.7kg/10.4lbs, strong 5.5kg/12.1lbs G Silver, synthetic core wound with silver, 4/4 Medium tension 4.5kg/9.9lbs, strong 5.9kg/13.0lbs Set with D aluminum mediumtension 22.0kg/48.4lbs, strong 25.5kg/56.2lbs Set with D silver wound medium tension 22,5kg/49.6lbs, strong 25,6kg/56.4lbs
Larsen Aurora Violin Streng G-4 Sølv Omspunnet, Medium
225 kr
A milestone in cello string design - The new Larsen Strings Il Cannone cello range is hailed as a new milestone in cello string design. All 4 strings are available in two versions, Direct & Focused and Warm & Broad. All eight versions are compatible and interchangeable with each other. Il Cannone for Cello offers you a toolbox of options to choose from to optimise your individual sound. - - A and D strings have solid steel core and are stainless steel wound. The Direct & Focused A string uses a new, unique material that is currently being patented. - The C and G strings have a steel core and are tungsten wound. - Set - Tension Direct&Focused 60kg/132.20lbs, Warm & Broad 59.9kg/1328lbs
Larsen Il Cannone Cello Strenger, Warm & Broad
3 879 kr
LARSEN VIOLIN STRINGS TZIGANE MULTIFILAMENT FIBRE CORE - - Set E Steel (with ball end), A Alu, D+G Silver - Tension: medium 22.5kg/49.6lbs
Larsen Tzigane Violin Strenger, Medium
759 kr
Larsen Virtuoso® for viola as extra-long version for larger instruments with a scale (freely vibrating string length) of 420 mm (16 ½ ") - - Can be combined with Larsen Original Viola A-string - Only available in medium tension
Larsen Virtuoso Bratsj Streng D-2 Medium 420mm, Ball End
410 kr
Exotic hardwood Length: 10'' Diameter: 1'' Classic clave sound
Latin Percussion LP262R Claves Traditional Exotic
325 kr
Fiberglass Length: 8'' Diameter: 1'' Pair
Latin Percussion LP597 Claves Fiberglass King Klave
405 kr
Valve oil T2 light Very thin consistency 65 ml
La Tromba T2 Ventil Olje
124 kr
La Voz Baryton Sax Rør, Hard
430 kr
La Voz Reedgard II til Tenor/Baryton sax, Bass Klar.
20 kr
Leblanc Bb-Clarinets CL650 •Boehm-system •ABS body, wood-like finish •Undercut tone holes •2 barrels: 62mm and 64mm •Nickel silver keys, silver plated •17 keys, 6 rings •Low-E reinforcement bar •USA mouthpiece with ligature and cap •Light weight case with rucksack assembly
Leblanc CL-650 B-Klarinett i Kunststoff, Forsølvet Klaviatur, med Koffert
5 799 kr
Lee Oskar 1910L-Ab Blues Munnspill
590 kr
Lee Oskar 1910L-B Blues Munnspill
590 kr
Lee Oskar 1910L-Db Blues Munnspill
590 kr
Stortrommeklubbe med lyst treskaft og reim, hardt filthode(71%), 70mm diameter på hodet, 380mm lengde.
Lefima 101 Stortrommeklubbe, Hard Filt Hode med Reim
765 kr
Stortrommeklubbe med lyst treskaft og reim, filt og lammeskinn hode(29%), 90mm diameter på hodet, 370mm lengde.
Lefima 103 Stortrommeklubbe, Filt og Lammeskinn Hode med Reim
895 kr
Lefima BUL2616-2HH Ultra-lett Professionell Bass Tromme, 26"x16"
13 000 kr
Stortromme Bærereim dobbel, Sort lær, Justerbar med Autobalanserende SnapHook
Lefima Stortromme Bærereim Dobbel, Sort Lær, Justerbar med Autobalanserende SnapHook
1 695 kr
Stortromme Bærereim dobbel, Sort Tekstil, Justerbar med Autobalanserende SnapHook
Lefima Stortromme Bærereim Dobbel, Sort Tekstil, Justerbar med Autobalanserende SnapHook
725 kr
Stortromme Bærereim Enkel, Sort Tekstil, Justerbar med Autobalanserende SnapHook
Lefima Stortromme Bærereim Enkel, Sort Tekstil, Justerbar med Autobalanserende SnapHook
695 kr
Legere Altsaxrør Signatur, Plast
418 kr
Legere Altsaxrør Signatur, Plast
418 kr
Legere Barytonsaxrør Signatur, Plast
472 kr
Legere Bassklarinettrør Signatur, Plast
456 kr
Legere Eb-Klarinett Rør Classic, Plast
385 kr
Legere Klarinettrør European Cut, Plast
385 kr
Legere Klarinettrør Signatur, Plast
418 kr
Legere Signature Tenorsaxrør
456 kr
Legere Signatur Sopransax Rør
425 kr
Listen LR4200 IR Mottaker inklusive Nakkeslynge, Teleslynge
3 425 kr
Listen LT84 Kombinert IR Modulator/Radiator, Teleslynge
7 865 kr
Liten Notelære, Leif Flisnes
60 kr
A great practical gift for any guitarist or music enthusiast, this fine china Little Snoring: Allegro Mug features a colourful Electric Guitar design.
Little Snoring: El. Gitar Kopp , Strat
180 kr
-Loops of steel bead chain wrapped around a specially textured, stainless steel cylinder -Plastic flanges and handle
LP Afuche/Cabasa Mini LP234BK
345 kr
Designed in the 1960’s in response to the Bossa Nova craze, LP’s interpretation of the instrument that comes from Brazil is distinctly brighter in sound than the original versions. Through years of extensive use on influential recordings, LP Agogo Bells have become the sound that is sought after globally.
LP Agogo Bells LP231A Standard
899 kr
Front plate: Handselected Exotic Lyptus Shell: 11-ply handselected Baltic Birch Type: Wire (Puresound Custom Brass Snares) Adjustability: No Dimensions: 19"/11 7/8"/11 3/4" Angled corners for comfortable sitting Made in USA
LP Americana LP1438 Wire Cajon
3 590 kr
•Aluminium alloy chimes •Single Row •25 bars •Stringing method with special formula nylon ties
LP Aspire LP449C Chimes, Concert Series, 25 Bar
1 225 kr
Front plate: Para Wood •Body: Maple •Type: Wire (3 x 16) •Adjustability: no •Dimensions: 19,5"/11,75"/12,25" •Finish: Natural
LP Aspire LPA1331 Cajon
2 795 kr
Liten - High Pitch ------------------------------ The LP Aspire line of affordable percussion features two wood blocks perfect for beginners or students. These hardwood blocks are available in small, high pitch and large, low pitch. They feature multiple mounting holes for convenient additions to any set up and include a wooden striker.
LP Aspire LPA210 Wood Block med Kølle, Small
285 kr
Kun stativ, Bongo er kun for illustrasjon - Quick and easy assembly due to unique camlock tensioning system Rubber lined L-shaped seat Double braced legs Chrome-plated finish Large rubber feet
LP Aspire LPA245 Bongo Stativ, Strap-Lock
1 095 kr
Perfect for the working percussionist looking for a traditional sound and style, with modern construction features for a moderate price. LP Matador will take you and your music a step closer to the big stage.
LP Bongos M201-AW Matador, Natur med Messing
1 945 kr
LP Cajon Castanet LP433
145 kr
Exclusive LP designed cajon mounted hi-hats
LP Cajon Hi-Hats LP1510
1 410 kr
•Suitable for cajons in standard size •Smooth, quiet cable system •Adjustable spring tension •Cable approx. 90cm •Flexible positioning is possible •Cajon not included
LP Cajon Pedal LP1501
2 295 kr
Sizes: 6" and 7" Body: Siam Oak Head: Natural rawhide Hoops: EZ Curve Tuning lugs: 9/32", chrome Bongo Bottom: Steel, Cuban Style Hardware Finish: Black powder coated
LP City LPA601NY-AW Bongo Trommer, Natur
1 895 kr
Latin Percussion Claves Traditional Traditional Maple LP262 •Maple wood •Length: 10'' •Diameter: 1'' •Classic clave sound * Clave is the rhythmic pattern that forms the basis of Latin music. Clave is phrased in what is known as a 3/2 (forward clave) or 2/3 (reverse clave) feel. That is, three beats then two beats or two beats then three beats. Claves are the traditional instruments used to play clave and are comprised of two sticks that are struck together to get a sharp, cracking sound.
LP Claves LP262, Traditional
175 kr
LP Cowbells are handmade in the USA and crafted from premium quality steel with specially developed tooling. Every LP Cowbell is hand inspected to check the consistency of metal thickness, the durability of construction and the precise position of welds. This ensures that every model of LP Cowbell will produce consistent sound, generation after generation. * - 5“ - Mountable - Black - 1/2" spring-loaded clamping - High pitched, bright sound with a moderate overtone - The slightly rounded playing surface always produces a good sound - Made in USA
LP Cowbell LP204AN Black Beauty
649 kr
LP Cowbells are handmade in the USA and crafted from premium quality steel with specially developed tooling. Every LP Cowbell is hand inspected to check the consistency of metal thickness, the durability of construction and the precise position of welds. This ensures that every model of LP Cowbell will produce consistent sound, generation after generation.
LP Cowbell LP228 Black Beauty Senior
415 kr
Length: 14,5'' Versatile wooden güiro has a scraping surface that wraps around its body Wooden güiro scraper included
LP CP Sylinder Guiro CP249 med Skraper
199 kr
LP Cyclops LP150 Tamburin, Sort
575 kr
LP’s Double Sambago Bells offer a unique crisp sound unlike any other existing block. This patented design is a modern version of bells that originated in Africa, then adapted into metal agogo bells played throughout Brazil.
LP Double Sambago Bell LP617 med Holder
395 kr
Ideal for cajon and guitar players
LP Fot Tambourin LP188
275 kr
LP’s patented Granite Blocks are a patented rendition of anchient Chinese temple blocks. The five piece set is tuned to match the traditional pitches and be set-up in two different configurations.
LP Granite Blocks LP1210
2 425 kr
The innovative LP Qube Shaker’s unique design produces a multitude of effects, when played in multiple directions. Play it as a normal shaker with a back and forth motion or spin your wrist while moving the shaker back and forth and play rhythms for a sound that cannot be matched by any other shaker.
LP Jingle Qube Shaker LP460-J
450 kr
•Unique design holds 3 percussion items to play with one pedal •Simple lift and rotate design to switch instruments •Compact design allows for placement with a drum kit •Fully adjustable rods accommodate cyclops tambourine, cowbells, jam blocks and other 3/8" mountable accessories •Wide front base helps eliminate creep of the bracket on floors •This multi-stem expansion on the original LP Gajate bracket was developed in collaboration with Randy Lavvorn •Patent Pending
LP LP388M Pedal Mount Gajate Multi Stolpe
1 395 kr
Vibra-Slap Mount •Mounts to 3/8" rods •New, revised version with rubber hinge for a natural vibration decay on the stand •Patented
LP LP444N Mount Vibra Slap, Brakett
289 kr
LP Cluster Chimes are crafted from a specially formulated tempered aluminum alloy to provide bright sound and great tonal diversity. The natural wood bars are made from select hardwood with a satin finish.
LP LP468 Hand Bar Chimes
575 kr
•Strong nylon bag •Holds cajons up to 12"W x 19"H •Side compartment with zip •Two carry straps
LP LP523 Cajon Bag
510 kr
•Mounting bracket for Agogo-Bells •Fits all 3/8'' rods
LP LP571 Mount Agogo, Brakett
260 kr
The LP Mic Claw ensures secure placement of microphones on snare drums, toms and congas.
LP LP592A Claw Mikrofon Holder/Stativ
589 kr